SEO guide for beginners: Everything You Need to know

SEO guide for beginners

In this SEO guide for beginners, we will understand what SEO is and how to use SEO.

Organic ranking is the Search engine ranking of webpages according to the relevance of the term searched in the search engine to the content of the webpage.

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SEO is the process of growing a website’s organic traffic, achieved by ranking the website higher in search engine’s organic results. The traffic drove as a result of the higher ranking of the website is consistent over time, unlike traffic from other sources. 

Does SEO (Search Engine Optimization) also lead to more customers, conversions, and revenue on your website/digital business? Certainly! In this SEO guide for beginners, you’ll learn all about it.

How to do SEO?

Before performing SEO on your site, ensure that the search engine crawlers can scan and index your site. To do so, check if your site is already indexed in the search engine, then connect your website to web service of search engines such as Google search console or Bing webmaster, etc.

Finally, create an XML sitemap and submit the sitemap to the search engine’s connected web services, such as Google search console.

Now that you have ensured the search engine bots can crawl and index your page correctly, let us understand how we do SEO on a given site.

Search Engine Optimization involves the following Steps.

SEO involves the following Steps SEO guide for beginners
Steps that Search Engine Optimization involves
  1. Keyword Research: To understand what people are searching for.
  2. Content Creation: To create content that aligns with the search from people.
  3. User Experience: To build a pleasant experience for users exploring your website.
  4. On-page SEO: Optimize a web page on your website that contains user search-relevant content to rank your website higher.
  5. Off-page SEO: Spreading the pages across social media, forums, bookmarking sites, commenting, email marketing, and more.
  6. Link Building: To acquire hyperlinks from other websites to your website.
  7. Technical SEO: TO help search engines crawl and index your site more efficiently.

Let’s explore each step in detail:

Keyword research

Keyword research is one of the essential topics in this SEO guide for beginners. Keyword research is discovering frequent search queries of your target customers. The product/service/information your target audience puts in the search engine helps you to find the keywords.

To do Keyword research, first, find the site’s Primary Keywords and the exact queries of customers. To find the primary keywords for your site, make a list of user searches that align with the service or product you are selling. Primary keywords include a diamond ring, football shoe, dog food, etc.

Are you finding for a keyword research tool with easy, uncomplicated UI, exceptional efficacy & steadfast results? KWFinder is the perfect match. You will get each keyword’s monthly search volume and Keyword Difficulty (KD). Now choose the keywords with low keyword difficulty and more search volume. 

After finding the primary keywords, while following this SEO guide for beginners, find out the long tail keywords. Long Tail Pro is a zenith among tools for finding long tail keywords. It enables you to find Long-tail keywords that are slightly competitive and yet could compel a ton of high-converting traffic to your website irrespective of your niche. 

Long tail keywords have a lesser search volume but are relevant to users’ searches. After having the relevant keywords in place, choose the top keywords according to search volume and competition for the keyword. 

If your keyword has a high search volume and great difficulty, chances are it won’t get a ranking. If your keyword has very low keyword difficulty and relatively low search volume, your site can get ranked for the keyword.

Semrush is one of the best keyword research tools in the market which gives better results.

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Content Creation

“If the content is king, context is definitely the god.”

Giving users what they want to look for is key to your SEO performance. To have your site Rank high in the search engine, you have to understand the search intent of the query and create content relevant to it. This SEO guide for beginners will help you understand search intent and how it can impact your site’s ranking.

Search intent is the primary reason why the user has searched for something. Knowing what a user is looking for means knowing their search intent. For example, if someone searches for s protein powder, it might mean they want to buy protein powder, or they might be looking for information about protein powder.

To understand the intent, infer from top-ranking websites for the keyword. Analyze the content type (blogs, landing pages, etc.), format (tutorials, product description, listicles, etc.), and content angle associated with the keyword search.

Once you figure out the intent, create content that aligns with the purpose of the search. For example, if your keyword has an informational goal, start a blog post around the keyword.

While creating content, keep in mind to make it unique by having original research and expanding on the researched content. ContentKing is a state-of-the-art, web-based SEO auditing & monitoring tool. It continually maintains an eye on all SEO-related movements of your website. With our SEO guide to beginners, you will be able to create unique and high-quality content.

ContentKing is one of our favorite real-time SEO Auditing tools. I wish Google Search Console provides such real-time updates.

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A cloud-based real-time SEO auditing and monitoring platform.

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User Experience

A great user experience played a big part in the success of brands like PayPal and Airbnb.

This SEO guide for beginners focuses on User experience/UX since it decides how much time users will spend on the site, which signals ranking to the user. A good UX makes your site a helpful resource and thus leads to more backlinks, which helps in better ranking.

To have given a better overall user experience, keep in mind the following rules:

  1. Keep the page interactive, including CTA (call to action) buttons.
  2. Write your content in short paragraphs.
  3. Avoid Jargon and complex sentences.
  4. Add visual elements such as Images and graphs wherever possible.
  5. Enhance your “above the fold section,” which is the first thing a user will notice, hence the first impression.
  6. Use listicles and bulletin points.

On-page SEO

On-page SEO is one of the essential parts of SEO that you will learn in this SEO guide for beginners. Optimizing a page around a specific keyword is known as On-page SEO.

Here are some simple steps to follow for doing On-site SEO.

  1. Heading Tags: Use the H1 tag for the title page and the H2-H6 tags for subheadings. Include the target keywords or related keywords inside each subheading.
  2. Optimize your Title Tags: To optimize your title tags:
    • Make sure that your website’s title tags contain the main keyword.
    • Keep the title length around 60-70 words.
    • Keep it relevant to search intent.
    • Use exclamatory words like WHAT, WHEN, HOW, WHY, etc.
    • Don’t be generic; describe well.
    • Include words like best, top, review, and ultimate to get users’ interest.
  3. Write an enticing meta description: Meta descriptions serve as a summary of the website’s content. Here are a few tips for writing a better meta description:
    • Keep them 1-2 sentences long (150-160 words).
    • Include your target keyword.
    • Expand your title tag.
    • Add a call to action if applicable.
    • Avoid plagiarism.
    • Make it relevant to user intent.
    • Make sure it matches your content.
  4. Optimize page URL: Page URL also plays a role in your on-page SEO. Here are some tips to optimize it:
    • Must contain the primary keyword
    • Must contain the title 
    • Must have hyphens
    • Must avoid underscores
    • Must be short yet describe the contents of the page.
  5. Optimizing Images: Images must be optimized for SEO and quick device loading when a site is accessed. To optimize images for on-site SEO, follow the following steps:
    • Name the images to be descriptive (e.g., Audi R8.jpg is better than car.jpg)
    • Resize the image to its dimensions on the website
    • Include alt tags with descriptive texts related to the topic
    • Compress to make them smaller
  6. Use Internal Linking: Internal linking helps to give the engine an idea about the structure of your website; It also allows the user to navigate your website easily.

Link Building

Link building refers to having other websites link your site to their website.

Link building is the core of the building site’s authority in front of a search engine. It is also the heart of off-page SEO. It is one of the three major ranking factors in Google. Backlinks are directly correlated to higher rankings in search results.

How to build links?

Perhaps the easiest way for link building, as outlined in this SEO guide for beginners, is to ask for it from real-life connections and partnered businesses.

Some of these connections include: 

  • Business partners.
  • Suppliers 
  • Satisfied Customers 
  • The local Chamber of Commerce 

Another way to build links is to submit your website to high-quality niche directories or business forums dealing with the same niches as your business.

Answering questions sent by Haro, a platform connecting businesses to journalists, and then including your link is another excellent way of building a backlink.

You can also build links by writing guest posts on other websites and including your site in the content. At last, you also have the option of buying links from third-party websites. With cutting-edge features like Keyword research, Website analysis, Rank tracker & Backlink analysis, the Serpstat tool can assist your online presence in growing exponentially. 

Off-page SEO:

Off-page SEO is the extra boost that helps your website rise to the top of the search engine rankings. It’s all about getting other people and websites to talk about and link back to your website.

When other reputable sources link to your website, it tells the search engines that your website is a trusted and valuable resource. It’s like a virtual word-of-mouth recommendation; search engines love that credibility.

Think of off-page SEO as the networking aspect of your website’s search engine optimization strategy. It’s about building relationships and getting your website noticed by the right people.

Here are some off-page SEO activities:

  • Commenting
  • Brand mentions
  • Forums
  • Guest posts
  • Outreach
  • Link building
  • Content marketing
  • Social media
  • Newsletters
  • Bookmarking
  • Questions and answers
  • Networking

Off-page SEO activities are actions taken outside your website to improve your rankings within search engine results pages. These activities help to improve the search engine and user perception of your website’s trustworthiness and authority.


Commenting on other blogs can help you build relationships with the blog owner and other commenters. However, be sure to only comment on relevant blogs in a meaningful way, as Google no longer values irrelevant comment backlinks.

  • Step 1: Find blogs in your industry or related to your products or services.
  • Step 2: Leave thoughtful and relevant comments on blog posts, adding value to the conversation.
  • Step 3: Use a complete profile and include a link in your signature to get backlinks from your comments.
  • Step 4: Focus on high-quality blogs and forums that offer do-follow links.

Brand Mentions:

Social mentions of your brand can signal to search engines that people are talking about you. You can increase brand mentions by engaging with social media audiences and providing valuable answers to build authority and trust.

  • Step 1: Engage with your social media audience and provide valuable answers to build authority and trust.
  • Step 2: Monitor for mentions of your brand on social media and other websites.
  • Step 3: Respond to and acknowledge any mentions of your brand.


Participating in forum discussions about your product or services can help build a connection with that community and solve problems for others. Create a complete profile and include an anchor in the signature to display whenever you comment.

  • Step 1: Find and participate in forum discussions about your industry or product.
  • Step 2: Build connections with the community by providing helpful advice, solving problems, and engaging in discussions.
  • Step 3: Create a complete profile and include a link in your signature for potential backlinks.

Guest Author (Guest Post):

Writing as a guest author on other reputable websites can help to improve your off-page SEO by providing you with valuable backlinks. Make sure to only guest write for high-quality websites relevant to your industry.

  • Step 1: Identify high-quality blogs and websites in your industry that accept guest content.
  • Step 2: Reach out to those websites and offer your expertise or ideas for a guest post.
  • Step 3: Write and submit your guest post, including a link to your web portal in your author bio.

Influencer Outreach:

Reaching out to well-known influencers in your niche and requesting their input via feedback, quote, or reviews can help to build relationships and leverage their authority to increase your own. Once the content is published, ask them to share it within their circle.

  • Step 1: Use tools like Buzzsumo to identify influential figures in your industry.
  • Step 2: Reach out to those influencers and request their insight or feedback for a community-driven section in your content.
  • Step 3: Once the content is published, ask the influencers to share it with their audience to increase its reach.

Broken Link Building:

Searching for broken links on other websites and offering your content as a replacement can help to improve your off-page SEO. This strategy helps to improve the user experience on other websites and can lead to valuable backlinks.

  • Step 1: Use tools like Ahrefs to find broken links to websites in your industry.
  • Step 2: Reach out to the website owner and offer your own content to replace the broken link.
  • Step 3: Once the link is replaced, you will have gained a valuable backlink from a reputable source.

Content Marketing:

Creating high-quality, valuable content and promoting it on other websites and social media platforms can help to improve your off-page SEO. This strategy can lead to valuable backlinks and increased visibility for your website.

  • Step 1: Develop a content marketing strategy that includes creating and promoting high-quality content on your own website and other websites.
  • Step 2: Utilize social media and email marketing to promote your content and drive traffic to your website.
  • Step 3: Monitor your analytics to track the success of your content marketing efforts and adjust your strategy as needed.


Subscribing to and contributing to newsletters related to your industry can help to increase your website’s visibility and drive traffic to your site. It can also provide valuable backlinks and improve your website’s credibility and authority.

  • Step 1: Create a newsletter sign-up form on your website to collect email addresses from interested readers.
  • Step 2: Develop a newsletter strategy to send regular updates and promotions to your subscribers.
  • Step 3: Utilize email marketing tools to track the success of your newsletters and engage with your subscribers.

Social Networking:

Promoting your content on social media platforms can increase your website’s visibility and drive more traffic to your site.

  • Step 1: Set up profiles on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  • Step 2: Share your content and engage with your followers to build a strong online presence.
  • Step 3: Utilize hashtags and participate in relevant industry conversations to increase your visibility.

Questions & Answers:

Taking part in question and answers platforms like Quora can help to increase your website’s visibility and drive traffic to your site. It can also provide valuable backlinks and improve your website’s credibility and authority.

  • Step 1: Find websites and forums that allow users to ask and answer questions related to your industry.
  • Step 2: Participate in relevant discussions and provide valuable insights and advice to build your authority and trust.
  • Step 3: Include a link back to your website in your profile or signature to gain potential backlinks.

Social Bookmarking:

Submitting your website and content to social bookmarking sites can help to increase your website’s visibility and drive traffic to your site.

  • Step 1: Create accounts on social bookmarking websites like Delicious or StumbleUpon.
  • Step 2: Share your content on those platforms to increase its reach and visibility.
  • Step 3: Engage with other users and participate in relevant discussions to build your online presence.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is optimizing your website so that it can get crawled, indexed, and ranked more easily by search engines and get a better rank.

As one of the most crucial steps in this SEO guide for beginners, the first step for Technical SEO is ensuring your site can be indexed and crawled by search engines.

To ensure it, connect your website to google console to help you tackle faces during crawling and indexing.

Then check your Robot.txt files(Robot.txt files indicate where a search engine can or cannot go). If you do not have Robot.txt files, you must create them.

Check to index: It gets done by checking the indexability report on the site audit, which helps you to find pages that cannot be indexed and also mention the reason behind it.

Optimizing your site speed is also crucial, as site speed is directly related to page ranking. Running your site in Google’s page speed insight tool also gives recommendations to reduce the page’s loading time.

Last, adding internal links and reclaiming lost connections also helps for better ranking. Semrush is a full fledge suite of tools offering various solutions in your On-page SEO, link building, website content, Social media, and other elements that assist in enhancing your online existence and reaching many users.

How to measure SEO success?

Now that you have understood how SEO works and how to do it through this SEO guide for beginners, what are the parameters to measure your SEO campaign’s success? You can track your site’s stats using google analytics:

With this SEO guide for beginners, Here are some parameters on which you can base the success of your campaign. These include: 

  1. Organic Traffic: The number of site visitors is based purely on Google searches. Google Analytics measures this.
  2. Average session duration: The time between the click that takes the users to your site and the click that takes them to a different place.
  3. The bounce rate indicates how many people visited your page and left immediately after.
  4. Pages per visit: How many web pages did the user visit before going from the site?
  5. Conversion rate: The percentage of visitors who performed the desired actions, such as buying a product.

An increased number of these parameters (apart from bounce rate) indicates the campaign’s success.

How crucial is keyword selection?

Keyword research remains one of the most fundamental SEO tasks.”

Keyword selection is crucial for search engine optimization (SEO) and digital marketing. It’s one of the first steps to launching a new website or marketing campaign. Choosing the right keywords can help you attract the right audience, improve your search engine rankings, and drive traffic to your website.

But how do you choose the right keywords? And why is it so important? This section of the SEO guide for beginners will help explore the importance of keyword selection and provide some helpful tips and tools to get you started.

First, let’s start with the basics: what are keywords? Simply put, keywords are people’s words and phrases to search for information online. For example, if you’re searching for a new pair of shoes, you might type “best running shoes” into Google. The words “best” and “running shoes” are your keywords.

Now, why is keyword selection so important? There are a few reasons:

It helps you attract the right audience: By choosing relevant keywords, you can ensure that the people visiting your website are interested in what you offer. It is vital for businesses, as you want to attract qualified leads who are more likely to convert into customers.

It improves your search engine rankings: Search engines like Google use algorithms to determine the relevance of websites for a particular search query. This SEO guide for beginners can help you by choosing relevant keywords. You can improve your chances of ranking higher in search results, leading to more organic traffic.

It helps you understand your audience: You can learn a lot about what your audience is looking for by looking at the keywords people used to locate your website. It could assist you to tailor your marketing efforts to cater needs of your customers.

So, how do you choose the right keywords? Here are a few tips to get you started:

Few tips to choose the right keywords SEO guide for beginners
Few tips to choose the right keywords
  1. Use keyword research tools: Several tools can help you identify the most relevant and high-performing keywords for your business. Some popular options include Google’s Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and Semrush. These tools can help you understand the search volume, competition level, and cost-per-click of different keywords, giving you valuable insights into which ones are worth targeting.
  2. Think about your audience: What are your target audience’s words and phrases when searching for your products or services? Take time to understand their needs, wants, and pain points, and use that information to guide your keyword selection.
  3. Be specific: While choosing relevant keywords is important, it’s also essential to be exact. For example, instead of targeting the broad keyword “shoes,” consider targeting more specific keywords like “running shoes for flat feet” or “women’s hiking boots.” It will help you attract a more qualified audience and improve your chances of ranking higher in search results.
  4. Consider long-tail keywords: These are more specific and less competitive than broad keywords. For example, “best running shoes for flat feet” is a long-tail keyword. These keywords can be a great way to target specific niches and improve your chances of ranking higher in search results.
  5. Use keyword variations: Don’t just focus on one or two keywords. Instead, consider using various related keywords and phrases to give your content a broader reach. For example, in addition to targeting “best running shoes,” you might also consider targeting keywords like “top-rated running shoes” or “best-rated running shoes.” This excellent SEO guide for beginners covers various techniques and strategies that can help you improve your search engine rankings.

Organic ranking and why it’s essential?

In addition to the accuracy of keyword searches, organic ranking gets influenced by the characteristics of the website, including incoming links, domain authority, page authority, etc., which are ranking factors. Every search engine indexes the website by considering the ranking factor. For example, Google uses more than 200 ranking factors to determine the organic Rank of a website for a given keyword.

“Competition is good; it forces us to do our best.”

Organic Rank is important because it dictates the amount of unpaid traffic a website gets. Organic Rank is the key to getting better quality traffic and more visitors for your digital business without spending any money on advertisements. We can improve the organic Rank of a website by incorporating specific Organic SEO techniques.

How can SEO help boost your organic traffic?

In this SEO guide for beginners, we will understand how SEO helps to get organic traffic.

SEO of your website ensures that it takes a top place at a SERP (search engine results page) for relevant queries, resulting in the website getting more traffic.

Here are some of the case studies of increased organic traffic after implementing SEO:

Case Study 1: Voe Tranquilo, a company that helps out people facing issues in air transportation, increased its organic traffic by 588% by implementing good SEO practices. Source Semrush.

Case Study 2: Using SEO, Edelweiss Bakery, an artisan bakery, increased its organic traffic by 460%. Source Semrush.

Case Study 3: Kwik Fit, a motoring company in the UK, increased its organic traffic and acquired 20% more users using SEO. Source: SimilarWeb.

How do search engines operate?

When you publish the content on your website, the search engine bots, also known as (crawlers/spiders) crawl your site and access the content of your website, then they add your content to an index, a massive database of discovered URLs.

All the indexed pages are ranked according to a search algorithm when a user types in a search query. The algorithm used differs from the search engine to the search engine.

Hence, search engines work through three main functions:

There are 3 main Function the Search Engine work SEO guide for beginners
3 main Functions of the Search Engine work!

Crawling: search the Internet for content by examining the code/content for each URL found.

Indexing: Organize and store the content obtained during crawling, and once a page is in the index, it is displayed as a result of relevant search queries.

Ranking: providing the content that best answers a user’s search query, i.e., results are ranked from most to least relevant.

What is the crawling of a search engine?

Crawling is the discovery process where search engines send out a team of robots (called crawlers or spiders) to find new and updated content. Content can be different – a web page, an image, a video, a PDF file, and more. – but irrespective of the format, the content is discovered through links.

Googlebot first retrieves some web pages and then follows the links on these web pages to find new URLs. In this way, the crawler finds new content and includes it in its index called Caffeine – a huge database of discovered URLs – to be retrieved later when a searcher is looking for information that the content on that URL matches.

What is a search engine index?

Search engines store and process information they find in an index, a massive database of all the content they have discovered and consider good enough to offer to searchers.

Search Engine Ranking

When users search, search engines scan their index for highly relevant content and then rank it to solve the searcher’s query. This ordering of search results by relevance is known as ranking. Generally, the higher a website is ranked, the more relevant it is to the search query.

Mastering Technical Analysis

 “No web-portal or website can stand without a strong backbone, which is technical SEO.”

In this section of the SEO guide for beginners, we must understand the importance of technical analysis in SEO.

As a digital marketer or website owner, you know the importance of attracting visitors to your site through search engines. While traditional SEO focuses on keyword optimization and content marketing, technical SEO ensures that your website is easily crawlable and accessible to search engines.

By mastering technical SEO, with the help of our SEO guide for beginners, you can improve your search engine rankings and drive traffic to your site.

So, what exactly is technical SEO? Simply put, it’s the practice of optimizing your website’s technical elements to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results. It includes things like site speed, mobile-friendliness, and the structure of your URLs.

Step 1: Conduct a technical SEO audit

Before optimizing your website, you need to know what needs to be changed. That’s where our SEO guide for beginners comes in handy. A technical SEO audit will help identify any issues holding your website back in the search results.

Some things to look for include broken links, duplicate content, slow page loading speeds, and a non-mobile-friendly design. Use breakthrough tools like Serpstat, Google Search Console, and Screaming Frog to help identify these issues.

Serpstat is a groundbreaking SEO tool that would perform all the heavy lifting for your website when it comes to SEO. It’s designed to assist website owners and marketers in improving their Search Engine compatibility and website performance. 

Step 2: Optimize your website’s structure and navigation.

A well-structured website is essential for SEO success. Ensure the website has a clear hierarchy and that each page is linked correctly to the proper parent and child pages. Use breadcrumb navigation to help search engines understand the structure of your website and make it easier for users to find their way around.

Step 3: Use header tags properly

In this SEO guide for beginners, we emphasize the importance of using header tags. Header tags, or H1-H6 tags, help search engines understand the hierarchy of your content.

Use primary keywords in your H1 title and secondary keywords in your H2-H6 tags. Be sure to stuff your tags with only a few keywords, as this can hurt your rankings.

Step 4: Optimize your website’s images.

Images can help break up long blocks of text and make your website more visually appealing, but they can also slow down your page loading speeds if not correctly optimized.

As someone following this SEO guide for beginners, make sure to compress your images and use descriptive, keyword-rich file names. Also, use alt tags to describe your ideas for search engines and visually impaired users.

Step 5: Use internal and external linking effectively

Internal linking helps search engines understand the content on your website and can also help improve the user experience. Use relevant, keyword-rich anchor text when linking to other pages on your website.

External linking, or linking to other reputable websites, can also help improve your website’s credibility and authority.

Step 6: Optimize your website’s loading speed.

No one likes a slow-loading website. Not only is it frustrating for users, but it can also hurt your search engine rankings. Use tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights to identify any issues and take steps to improve your website’s loading speed, such as optimizing images and minifying CSS and JavaScript.

Step 7: Use a mobile-friendly design

More and more users are accessing the internet on their mobile devices, so it’s essential to have a mobile-friendly website. Use responsive design or a separate mobile website to ensure that your website is easily accessible and easy to navigate on all devices. Our SEO guide for beginners is perfect for understanding the importance of responsive design.

Step 8: Utilize social media and other marketing channels

Technical SEO is just one aspect of driving traffic to your website, as outlined in this Social Media SEO guide for beginners. Utilize social media and other marketing channels to help drive traffic and improve your search engine rankings.

Revive Social is a one-stop destination for all social media marketing. It assists you in compelling additional traffic toward your eCommerce, portal, or website to obtain more of them on your social media.

Revive Social is an outstanding tool that offers automated social media marketing solutions. Utilizing this tool, one can optimize their social media channels to their best with a minor investment in their crucial time and efforts.

By following these steps and continually improving and monitoring your technical SEO, you can master the art of driving organic traffic to your portal or website and improving your search engine rankings. It may take some time and effort, but the results will be worth it in the end.

Top SEO tools that can assist your SEO Campaign

Top SEO tools that can assist your SEO Campaign SEO guide for beginners
Top SEO Tools that can assist your SEO Campaign

This SEO beginner’s guide is for you if you’re new to search engine optimization (SEO). We’ll walk you through the various tools that can help you improve your website’s visibility in search results and drive more qualified traffic to your site.

” We shape our tools, and afterward, our tools shape us.”

Surfer SEO: It is an AI-powered cloud base tool that helps SEO professionals and website owners to write web copies for websites/blogs. Surfer SEO enables you to analyze competitors with a better ranking than you in SERP and informs you what you are doing wrong.

The Surfer SEO tool comes with a Keyword research tool, SERP analyzer, content planner, etc. It is the one-stop solution for getting your page to rank higher.

  1. Ahrefs: This paid SEO tool is a comprehensive SEO suite that offers a range of features, including keyword research, back-link analysis, and content analysis. You can discover new keyword opportunities, track your website’s rankings, and identify broken links or technical SEO issues. It also provides valuable data on your competitors’ SEO efforts so that you can stay one step ahead.
  2. Semrush: Another paid SEO tool, Semrush is a powerful suite of SEO, PPC, and content marketing tools. It offers features like keyword research, site audit, back-link analysis, and various tools for social media management, content marketing, and paid advertising. You can use it to track your website’s rankings, identify technical SEO issues, and discover new keyword opportunities.
  3. Moz: This paid SEO tool offers a range of SEO features, including keyword research, site audit, and link analysis. It also provides valuable insights into your competitors’ SEO efforts so that you can stay ahead of the game. You can use it to track your website’s rankings, identify technical SEO issues, and discover new keyword opportunities.
  4. ContentKing: This web-based auditing and monitoring SEO tool monitors your website’s SEO-related activities. Its features include change monitoring, Real-time auditing, meta information, etc. The device has a standard dashboard that tracks all the changes. It also facilitates real-time crawling and helps to identify SEO issues quickly.
  5. Ubersuggest: This free SEO tool, created by Neil Patel, is an excellent resource for keyword research. You can use it to generate a list of related keywords based on a seed keyword and get valuable search volume and competition-level data.
  6. KWFinder: This paid SEO tool is a comprehensive keyword research tool that offers features like keyword suggestions, search volume data, and competition level. You can discover new keyword opportunities and track your website’s rankings for specific keywords.
  7. Accuranker is a keyword-ranking SEO tool for SEO professionals and agencies. It is speedy and highly reliable. With Accuranker you get a keyword dashboard, google SERP checker, competitor monitoring, etc., all in one place. It is also easily integrable into 3rd party software.
  8. Long Tail Pro: This SEO tool helps you to find long-tail keywords, apart from accurate keyword identification. Long tail also helps in SERP with features like Trustflow, Citation flow, Root reference, etc. Long-tail Pro also comes with customizable dashboards.
  9. MarketMuse: It is a content management tool powered by AI. It uses machine learning techniques to suggest topics the target audience wants and analyzes and reviews your content to make it more engaging.


What are the most picking trends in SEO?

AI Content is the future trend in SEO. We anticipate more extensive websites to utilize AI-based content, as many improvements have happened in the past to improve AI-generated content. We also comprehend that Google’s algorithms need help to distinguish AI-generated content from human-generated one.

How do search engines rank a page?

The search engine’s bot crawls and indexes your website and then ranks your website based on the relevancy of the user query with your content.

Who needs SEO?

Any business that sells products or services online can benefit from SEO. Digital marketers, digital business consultants, bloggers, e-commerce, app developers, SaaS, the list is endless. SEO is an element that every stakeholder pays attention to in the digital universe.

What are the best SEO practices?

The best SEO practices include Keyword research, optimizing content, building backlink strategy, etc.

Can I do my SEO?

If you own a digital business, you can do your SEO. However, it is highly advisable to get it done by a professional SEO company as they have more knowledge and experience. If you are new to SEO, our SEO guide for beginners is perfect for you.

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