Consider how much time you spend at home waiting for deliveries, groceries, your dry cleaning, packages, and your service providers to arrive. Sure, they are saving you the time of going to the store yourself and cleaning your apartment, but imagine how limited you are by having to be at home when these people visit. You being stuck at home is the only inconvenience within these convenient services.
Free up time now
Our current lifestyles mean that we’re busier than ever before. We travel, we can work from just about anywhere, and this has made us more reliant than ever before on the convenience economy, having our things delivered to us and hiring staff to take care of our chores. It is all about saving ourselves time.
But how often do you miss a package? How often do you have to hang around for your cleaner? How many times have you had to exchange or leave keys for friends or family? Nobody has the time to wait around all day for other people. It is actually quite limiting. However, there is a solution that can unlock your freedom, a way to get more time…
Nello is an app that has been designed specifically to improve hack your life. The app communicates with your apartment intercom, allowing entry to your building without keys, giving access to users of your choice. You remain in control and are also sent updates of entries, so it’s a much safer and securer method than handing out copies of your key to other people.
You are in control again
Think about how much time you will save from being released from the task of having to be at home at specific times of the day. You simply arrive home to find your dry cleaning, groceries, or deliveries waiting for you on your doorstep.
Another huge benefit of Nello to yourself is that your smartphone becomes your key. Using a GPS signal that communicates with your WiFi, nello gives you completely hands-free access to your building, saving you even more time. Imagine not having to rummage around in your bag for your keys, being able to walk into your building with your hands full, and not having to carry your keys while running.
Nello brings you the ultimate convenient solution to buying yourself more time, giving yourself more space from your apartment, and the ability to live with a much more flexible schedule. What took us so long?
Now, what will you do with your extra time?