Unable to connect Samsung Galaxy Note 2 to PC via Kies and USB?

Samsung MTP USB Driver to connect Samsung Galaxy Smartphones via Kies

The first time when I connected Samsung Galaxy Note 2 to my Windows XP pc via Kies Air and Kies via Wi-Fi, it worked like a charm. But when I tried via USB it seriously tested my patience tried installing official USB drivers available at Samsung, still no luck.

Was facing an MTP USB Device driver problem, tried installing it via Windows suggestions but no luck. So here thought there would be some other way to get it installed, so started searching for “MTP USB Device drivers” and “Unable to connect galaxy note 2 via USB”

These things put me into a loop and tried many ways like installing Windows Service Pack 3, and updated and installed the latest Windows media player, many pc restarts, tried different USB ports USB 2 and USB 3, some time thought my USB cable was a culprit – thought received damaged USB cable, thought of replacing it, tried different USB cables, etc.

Huh totally frustrated – this process took me almost two hours of my valuable time during my weekend. With a couple of keywords tried in Google Search, and when I tried searching for “A service installation section in the INF is invalid” – I found the following post at CNET Forums Miscellaneous laptop discussions forum: A service installation section in the INF is invalid – in one of the replies to this forums.

I found someone mentioned to install “Microsoft User-Mode Driver Framework” for Windows XP – Just go to the Microsoft site and search for this “Microsoft User-Mode Driver Framework” driver – for your convenience – here is the direct link to download the respective exe file

Once this is installed – just do the following steps to update the MTP USB Device driver:

Go to Control Panel > access Administrative Tools > Then open Computer Management

In this panel select Device Manager, there look for Portable Devices, open the tree menu and select MTP or double click on it, which will launch Hardware Update Wizard – this will try to detect the connected device via USB and installs the respective SAMSUNG Mobile MTP Device driver and that’s it you are done – to cross-check open My Computer, you can see your device icon under Other section.

Now open Kies – you will be relaxed, your device will be detected via Kies, and its got connected. At last, after four hours I found a solution to connect my Samsung Galaxy Note 2 via USB in Windows XP.

Here is the quick procedure:
1. Make sure your Windows XP is updated with Service Pack 3
2. Update Windows Media Player to either 10 or 11 version
3. Install Microsoft User-Mode Driver Framework
4. Update driver via Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management > Device Manager > Portable Devices and the choose MTP and update it

That’s it no other steps you are done – you can connect your device via USB port and to Kies. And yeh the moment I the device is successfully connected received some firmware update which took me another four hours roughly – so totally my weekend one day gone for this work :(

Thought to share my experience in the blog so that someone else will find this useful and his time will be saved and most important he won’t get frustrated :) So folks just drop by if you found this article to be useful, just will be happy that this helped others.

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