Alexandria’s Genesis’s rare genetic mutation is characteristic of beautiful violet eyes and little to nil biological disturbances. This disease has been of much debate and produces a perfect effect on the person involved, unlike so many other disorders.

But for all the level-headed people out there (not that the scientific community knows of), and seems to be just an urban legend.
But it could have existed in the past. The first recorded case of the disease was Alexandria Augustine, born in 1329, London. Her parents looking at her purple eyes, though she might be possessed, and took her to a priest to get her exorcised.
The priest informed that there was nothing wrong with their daughter and that it was just a genetic mutation. The priest had heard about a flash of light over Egypt some thousands of years ago, after which people with purple eyes and very fair skin had appeared only to disappear north until Alexandria’s appearance.
The symptoms of this disorder are shimmering white skin that is resistant to tanning or burning, no body hair other than that which they’re born with, purple colored eyes, a slowed down the aging process, a long life span of up to 170 years, no bodily excretions, well developed immune system which is resistant to every disease known, perfect vision and they never gain weight. It sounds kind of “alien,” doesn’t it?
Well, you are the judge! However, two reasons for it to be a hoax are that the traits are too widespread to be of a single gene. Secondly, some traits are physiologically impossible such as the lack of waste production and a slowed aging process.
Also, the fair skin which resists burning is naturally impossible other than Melanin which also darkens the skin. Most noticeably, the person after whom the disease is named is said to have live 150 years, but this is impossible as the longest life span very reached was 122 years.
The real reason for this astonishingly desirable disorder to go viral was a Daria fan-fiction website. Cameron Miquelon claimed to be the original author of the fictional disorder in 1998 and conveyed her frustration on the huge percentage of people believing the disorder exists in a blog post in 2011.
She says in the post, “Alas, what’s truly astonishing is that despite this post’s existence (as well as the true origin of Alexandria’s Genesis being a Daria fan fiction website), nothing has changed among the 99 percent of you who believe that what I wrote is true if my bookmarked Tumblr search tag is anything to go by.
For that, I hate you all so very much. Anyway, there you have it: Alexandria’s Genesis is simply a lousy mash-up of Daria, Art Bell, Twilight, witchcraft, and Cylon skin jobs adopted by New Agers and others who should know better, but don’t and won’t”.
Well, there you have it! So what do you think? Could this disorder have existed in the past could it exist in present times? Share your thoughts in the comments below.