Man is a social being, and what makes it a socially accepted being are his etiquettes. Not only do these matter in the world in general, they especially hold importance when you’re in the world of business. The first impression you give to a potential client or customer is about how amazing you are, they will judge your company based on its owner-which is you.

Here are some basic business etiquettes to master entering or already in the business world:
1. Greeting and Introducing
This is a crucial aspect of one’s awareness of who you’re with. Greet who you’re meeting, and never forget to introduce anyone who is with you, like a business associate, etc. Don’t ever wish informally, and maintain a sense of professionalism. No matter what you do always catch the name of the client; no one likes to be forgotten.
2. Ignore your gizmo
Life is impossible without always having your fingers all over your tablets and phones, but when with a client make sure you don’t receive any unimportant call, or get busy texting someone out of habit. If you show interest; others will take interest in what you have to say. It’s best to put all phones on silent if switching them off is not an option.
3. Don’t look to polish your ego
Every time you meet someone, it’s for you to fulfill a purpose, and that purpose should never be boasting about yourself or your company more than needed. Stating facts and statistics is one thing, but going on and on about your personal achievements will be a major turn off for anyone. Whatever you don’t belittle the client by showing off; they might be the next Bill Gates while you still drown in your delusion of being the best.
4. Don’t be hungry
When it comes to meetings that are scheduled over lunches and dinners, the aim is not to eat, it’s so discussed in a rather relaxed atmosphere. Don’t try to order anything to try, be comfortable with what will be in front of you for the next 2 hours. Eat slowly, and focus on what the customer has to say, you should always be on your game and not get sidetracked by the menu.
5. Go prepared
If you’re unprepared about what you want to discuss or do not have a sure set game plan you’re in danger. Schedule meetings that you can handle, take only those people with you who are needed to be present. Be on time and focus on the customer and his needs, and wisely get in how you can satisfy them.
You can make or break a big deal by not having the right etiquette. What your company stands for should be best expressed through the way you act and present yourself to the market.
The world of business now moves faster than ever before, don’t be lazy and depend on miracles to take you to the top. If you want it, get it, and while you’re at it maintain the finesse of a polished, well-informed entrepreneur.