Busting Business myths: Being Rich essential for Success

“You have so many great ideas, why don’t you start your own business”, said innocently a friend to another friend, ‘unfortunately I was not born with a golden spoon’ was the only thing running in his head. Many of us have been in these situations, believing that a load of cash is the only way to launch a business.

Ramesh Babu doing what he loves most
Ramesh Babu doing what he loves most

Well, that’s all just a myth. Your money is nothing without you, no matter its quantity. You have a brain, and that is priceless. Use it to earn money, being practical with the little that you have is the key to success. Start small, go big, and never lose your head while in the process.

Barber who owns Rolls Royce, BMW:

Many of the world’s major companies today had started small, for example, Jeff Bezos owner of Amazon.com the world’s largest online retailer, started off with a website focusing only on selling books. It was run at his garage, he sold his first book one year after starting the company.

Founders of Apple Inc.; Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak started the company in 1976, selling each computer for $500 at a local retailer. They built their PCs in their garage, with their small team, 50 pieces a month, a humble, hardworking, beginning indeed.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin, were young graduates when they started Google, but when it interfered with their school work, they tried to sell it to Excite for a million dollars which were refused by the web portal.

Unfortunately for Excite; Google is now the most well-known brand in the world. Dave Packard’s garage was the home of Hewlett-Packard. Dave with co-founder Bill Hewlett made an initial investment of $538. Their first product was an audio oscillator, and now HP is one of the largest companies in the world delivering superior technology solutions.

Some other companies that started small, are Disney, Mattel, eBay, etc. An astonishing story is that of barber Ramesh Babu, an Indian who now owns a company Ramesh Tours and Travels.

Ramesh started off renting his grandfather’s tiny barbershop for Rs.5 a day after his father’s death, he took over the salon after a few years and tried to make a living out of it. After years of saving he managed to buy himself a Maruti Omni, which is rented out. This sparked car the car rental idea in his head, and now his company has expanded into luxury cars!

We tend to look at a person or companies present condition and judge them. Seldom do we realize the true stories behind their success. In order for one to succeed the ingredients don’t include a large sum of money, but our skills, talent, and personality is what runs a business. If a business fails in its initial launch, it’s not because of a lack of a stupendous amount of money; it’s because of a lack of focus, ideas, and skills.

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