These days, many frameworks are available, from Twitter Bootstrap, CSS Fluid and Responsive Grids to Unsemantic, etc. You can see the complete list of good and professional, and lightweight frameworks available in the market for free. Due to this, confusion arises like which one to choose for your website or web application projects, etc.
The team has consolidated the list of professional front-end frameworks available in the market today and compared the same by differentiating the frameworks by browser compatibility (IE, Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera) and whether the framework is device compatible or not (Mobile, Tablet and Desktop) and whether it is LESS or SASS, etc. The visual differentiation of these frameworks is very well represented and great in terms of usability, too, and very easy to figure which framework suits your next project.
Being a Front-end developer, User Interface, and Usability expert, I thought to build one pretty minimal CSS framework, but by looking at the following frameworks and the competition in this web world – I thought to drop my idea :) Yeh, anyways I will always share some good scripts, as you can see in my Author profile.
The following are a few of my favorite CSS Front-end frameworks available in the market today:
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Foundation
- 960 Grid System
- Skeleton
- Kube
- Less Framework
- Blueprint
- YAML – Yet Another Multicolumn Layout
- Boilerplate
- 1KB CSS Grid
- Fluid 960 Grid System
- Gumby Framework
More can be found at A Collection of best front End frameworks for Faster & Easier Web Development