The technology industry is seeing growth like never before. The boom in the technology sector comes from various developments that have taken place in the past decade. With the younger, more dynamic blood entering the workforce, the innovations have been profound.
But where are the women in this? Today we discuss the current phenomenon of the lack of women in the tech field, especially at the higher level of companies. Let’s dig deep into the subject and dissect is systematical.
Women in Tech
Note for clarifications before we begin our exploration down the tech world, you will find many women in head positions in tech companies, for years women have worked hard and up the corporate ladder of major companies like Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, HP to name a few. However, this has been due to their leadership skills, experience in fields other than the software aspect of the company.
Interest in the subject
There is a shift in the interests of women, more and more are getting drawn to the technology industry and pursuing courses in the stream. The courses range from short software courses to full-on degrees. While the majority of these women are still in their student phase; the future of tech companies seems to have more female employees. There are broadly two branches available i.e. Computer Science (CS) and STEM (Science Tech, Engineering, and Math). The increase in interest is stemming from various reasons like availability of courses, inspiration, and information from senior students, exploring what the male friends and siblings are doing, parents’ motivation, an initiative by schools and colleges, etc.
Current Situation
Researches are being conducted in many countries on the future of women pursuing education in the Information Technology field. Even though there are few role models, women are growing the enthusiasm to change that are become examples for other young girls and women across the globe. The courses in IT require more fees, and in some countries, the competition at the entrance level is very high for women to be able to beat male students into obtaining a seat in engineering colleges. Online/part-time courses can be a good alternative, but they’re subject to availability in one’s country.
Women Empowerment
Those who have comprehended the gap and working towards bridging it; this includes organizations, schools, and mentors. A great focus is on making Programming and coding courses available for women to pursue and explore. How can you know if you have a talent/interest in something unless you try it or get a decent amount of exposure to it! Some schools have tried to including classes on coding for their kids. In fact, many are suggesting kids learn to code as it is the need of the time for the generation.
Organizations that support women’s employment in the tech field are running researches and trying to understand the reasons behind their lack of participation after being educated in the field. One of the drawbacks of a woman is maternity leave. Some women take a sabbatical and find it difficult to re-enter the workforce after that.
Many have to change their field, while some who can afford to, are able to come back by taking up a junior, less paying position, or by updating their resume with a relevant course or two. It’s not easy but it is a booming industry that women can very easily become a part of.
Founder of Kode with Kloss scholarship, and supermodel Karlie Kloss says; “I quickly came to understand that code is a superpower every young woman should be able to access. Understanding that code is the underlying (and invisible) framework of tech means that we do not have to be passive bystanders in our ever-changing digital world.”
Future of women in technology
More and more companies are giving opportunities to women who have the same resume qualifications as their male counterparts. There is definitely scope and plenty of employment opportunities who know your subject well.
Mark Zuckerberg, Founder and CEO of Facebook said;
“Our policy at Facebook is literally to hire as many talented engineers as we can find. There just aren’t enough people who are trained and have these skills today”
Mark Zuckerberg
There is also an increase in the understanding of the impact of women in the workforce. As customers and as employees, women are gaining respect and demanding fair practices. The future is definitely bright for women pursuing careers in IT and STEM. However it will be a change that will come slowly, but surely.
This goes to show, that if you have what’s needed on paper in terms of qualifications, the enthusiasm, and also the experience and will to work hard in the field, there is scope for not just jobs but also innovation. This innovation can lead you to start your own, or even self-employed by helping others out with their tech requirements. The millennials are the business generation, and entrepreneurial ventures are open for all creative, innovative, and hard-working individuals male or female!