Breakfast, as all know, is the most important meal of the day! If you get used to an unhealthy start of the day, you will get used to living an unhealthy life. Now don’t deny it. I have proof! Research by Warburtons, Britain’s number one bakery brand, shouts out the truth that 20% of the parents have realized because of this study, that most of the days their breakfast consists of high sugar foods like pastries, chocolate, and crisps.
Now that’s not a very good idea, people! What’s even sad is the fact that children, too, are infected with this habit. 43% of parents admit that their child starts a weekday with sugary breakfast options, and 11% of the kids eat a cereal bar or breakfast biscuit as their first meal. Let me tell you that it is a terrible idea to get your child habituated to this. The sooner you break this habit, the better it is for you and your child.
So during the healthy National Breakfast Week starting from 25th January to the 31st January, Warburton’s has decided to promote heart health and good nutrition by giving away 5 pounds to the British Heart Foundation [BHF]   for each loaf of Warburtons wholemeal purchased by their customers. They aim to raise £1million and keep every heart in Britain healthy. Speaking about this crucial week, Victoria Taylor, Senior Dietician at the BHF, said, “Breakfast is a great opportunity for people to start the day well.
There’s a job to be done in terms of helping parents see the importance of a good breakfast for themselves as well as their children. A nutritious meal doesn’t have to be time-consuming to prepare. Wholemeal toast, porridge or wholegrain cereals, low-fat yogurt, and fruit are all great options that are quick and easy to prepare and can be enjoyed by the whole family.”
This informative research also revealed that at the root of bad breakfast choices lies the lack of knowledge about the importance of nutrients like Carbohydrates in their diet. About 25% of them are unaware of how this group of foods can improve their health. Looking at the situation, Victoria Taylor advises, “It’s often sugar that gets a lot of attention when we talk about carbohydrates, but while we need to be reducing our intake of sweet foods to help us watch our weight, we mustn’t forget the positive contribution that starchy carbohydrates make to a healthy and balanced diet. Starchy foods provide us with energy, fiber, and a range of vitamins and minerals and should make up about a third of the food we eat.”
Carbs are not the only food group that falls in the category of neglected nutrients. 18% of refined grains and 12% of whole grains are also part of this category. It is important to include these groups of food in your diet because Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) says they have the capacity to protect you from gastrointestinal problems, coronary heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers while supplying dietary nutrients.
Observing this, Megan Harrison, Brand and Portfolio Director at Warburtons, said, “At Warburtons, families and their wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do. This is why we’re working with the British Heart Foundation, to help show parents of the 43% of children who are starting the day with sugary breakfasts, that there are easy and quick alternatives.”
Planning for the future, Warburtons and BHF have decided to raise awareness of the importance of healthy eating and share essential and sensible information on health and nutrition. We should all appreciate this healthy initiate and adopt it into our lives. Why not join this healthy breakfast club and have a Happy Breakfast Week, Britain!