Go Fleksy

Flexible typing with Fleksy Keyboard

Hands down, a keyboard is a lifesaver for us. From smartphones, tablets to watches, a good keyboard make owning these gizmos worth it. A great chunk of our day’s communication is made through a keyboard. Fleksy wishes us “happy typing” with their offering for Android and iOS users, and boy, aren’t we happy!

Fleksy Keyboard Review

The new Fleksy is designed to take your message typing experience to the next level. This app has a heavenly prediction engine; the dictionary prediction is always on point; you can try random alphabets, giving the best prediction.

One of this keyboard’s unique features is the swiping motions for every action, something never heard of. These make navigation’s very simple.

Initially, you may find the keyboard a little irritating, but it’s only a matter of a day or two to get addicted to this app. Swipe up to add words to the dictionary, swipe downward to browse through the prediction texts, swipe right for punctuation, and swipe to the left to erase the whole word.

Erasing a word on touch screens is a cumbersome process, with hitting the delete button multiple times, especially when you’re on in the midst of a conversation; however, with Fleksy, one swipe and the whole world is gone.

This gesture system is unique to Fleksy. You can substitute Fleksy with your default phone keyboard or tablet; this app can be used for watches too.

Fleksy is originally made for the partially sighted or visually impaired; it’s not only a great app for those with visual disabilities, but people with learning disabilities such as dyslexia or those who just have bad spellings can also benefit greatly from this app.

Fleksy keyboard is designed to understand its user; even if you don’t get a single character right, it predicts the closest possible word for you.

The unique patent-pending technology doesn’t just look at the letters you press; It looks at WHERE you tap and analyze your typing pattern to understand the word you meant to type. This gives typing a good flow to the communication process. If you’re using slang, you can add words to the dictionary as you go along by just swiping up.

The keyboard layout allows you to minimize the board to three lines or use the invisible keyboard to see 100% of your screen while accurately typing on your touchscreen.

Fleksy is available for a 30day free trial; through the badge system, you can extend it, as well as earn up to 30 badges like “Invisible Master,” “Dash Swiper,” “Fleksy Bird,” and “King of Keyboards” unlock new themes too.

You can sync your writing style via the cloud, too; the app is supported in various languages like Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, etc. The company is working on adding more languages to this amazingly unique app.

There is good competition in the market for keyboards, but Fleksy has made its own place. This app’s many unique features leave keyboard options like SwiftKey, AI.type Keyboard Plus, Hackers keyboard, etc. speechless. We highly recommend it.

Quick Look: Fleksy Keyboard for Android

Wanna give it a try? You can download Fleksy here for iOS and Android.

Why not share your thoughts if you have tried this Fleksy keyboard?

Happy Typing in invisible mode :)

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