Entrepreneurs know the only magical step to success is the recognition of an opportunity. If you’re talented, and truly are an entrepreneur at heart and soul, you will work out the viability of the project in your head, and won’t need endless research methods to procure information.
Now when it comes to grabbing opportunities and building a successful business, the one really important factor is where you stay and the needs/wants of the people residing in that city. If you’re pinpointing a problem that really is not that big of an issue, you’re in for a slow downward slide. While many try to focus on the developed countries for ease of operation and effective employees and staff, it is countries like India that should be the focus.
The sad thing is, it’s not the youth of India who recognizes these opportunities, and instead it’s the MNCs and the returning NRIs. While the youth is too captivated with the glitz and glamor of the fun life, they are newly getting exposed to, more intelligent people from the west and other neighboring countries are coming in and setting up franchises and businesses. This has nothing to do with finance at any level; it’s about wanting to be productive and using the time of your life meticulously in order to achieve the goals set long term.
India right now is the land of opportunities, it’s more or less like a blank page, waiting to get splattered on with words, and images, and ideas beyond comprehension. The most interesting fact about India’s present status is that ideas that are old and gone in developed countries can be very easily copied and buffed up to satisfy the customer.
There is not a great deal of creativity required when your product or service idea is already in its process in another country. You automatically can presume that it will be hit. NRIs that have returned back from once causing brain drain are actually being helpful to the Indian economy.
They are willing to set up businesses in their homeland because they do not have the basic fear of getting thrown out of their own country! it’s a very safe environment for them to invest and experiment. Yes, the jobless have more courage to experiment because they don’t have anything to lose, but this is exactly how the youth can optimize on these realities and make the most of them.
India can very easily be the home to the richest youngest. India can be the country that gave the world the youngest entrepreneur, billionaire, millionaire, etc, all simply by copying ideas, before the brand who launched it, infiltrates into the market.
Motivation is something subjective, to believe that the youth does not require a whole lot of motivation is super true, because they’re the “youth” for a reason, their hormones and age defy all cliches, they want to break the rules and prove themselves, the only requirement is focus and inspiration and more importantly, they want to truly succeed and realize one’s own potential. No great entrepreneur in the world was handed everything on a silver platter, they had an idea, and they went for it.