Best blog length in 2019 from the SEO Perception

Best blog post length for SEO

Blogs are write-ups written to express the emotions of the writer for a particular topic. These can be informational, expressive, point of view oriented, or objective maybe something else. However, the main motive of writing a blog is to engross the readers to follow the content until the end of the story.

When it comes to writing a blog, the main question that arises in a writer’s mind is regarding the suitable length of the blog for SEO purposes. There are many things that influence the length of a blog.

writing can improve productivity motivation

Let us see what things matter the most and the sequence in which these should be focused.

Below are the things that influence the length of a blog.

1. Should cover the topic in its entirety

First of all, it is important to understand the purpose due to which a reader shows an inclination towards reading the blog. Most of the time, the audience does not have much time to read the whole content and they just swarm through the main headings. If they like it, they will spend time over there, if they don’t, then they will simply get back to the search results to get something suitable to read.

Thus, the length of the article should be so that it covers maximum features related to the topic. According to the SEO point of view, more the time a user spends on the page, more the reliable the page earns in the eyes of Google.

Moreover, a point-by-point description of various key features of the topic is the best writing approach that can be followed while writing a blog.

2. Keep an eye on the competitors

To find the relative length of the blog, it is imperative to thoroughly research the article. The best way is to find what the competitors are up to with the same topic and check out the number of words they have put in to achieve the top rank on the Google search engine.

A review of the top 10 websites can let you have a clear idea about the length of the blog that you should aim at.

On average, a write-up between 1500 to 1800 words is considered the ideal blog length for SEO as with these many words, a writer can easily express the topic and keep the reader in touch till the end of the content.

3. Focus on Quality as well

In the race to be the best and rank at the top, the quantity of words does matter. This is definitely one of the deciding factors that SEO uses to rank, but one should not forget that quality is equally important.

The sentence structure should not be complicated. We all are attracted to big industrial jargon, but a layman would not keep pace with such words and would leave the page rather than open an English dictionary.

Thus, quality should also be one of the prime focuses of the content. It is important to consider some factors to improve the quality of the write-up. Read on the following points for some highlighters.

All content and no graphics can make the blog boring

Save yourself from serving all words content to the reader. Most of the audience is on the lookout for light reading material that interests them. Adding images, videos, and currently popular memes can amp up the quality of the content and with this, the SEO length of the article can work wonders for the content ranking.

Talk about new things

Copying someone else’s content and pasting it with minor changes on our website cannot help in page ranking even if all the SEO rules are religiously followed. People are information savvy and want to read a new point of view regarding ongoing trends.

Thus, devising new ways to bring information in front of the audience is a need of the hour. But this does not mean that the writer does not know anything about the content they are investing their time on. A blog writer should write about things that they are best at. This is what people want to learn from their blogs.

LSI to the rescue

Keyword stuffing should be avoided at all costs because rather than increasing the SEO benefits, it has a counter-effect as the reader gets irritated reading irrelevantly stuffed keywords and bounces off. Make use of LSI words that are directly related to the content and add them to create an ideal blog post length.

Distribute the Content rationally

Always distribute the points in a sequential manner so the readers get the most out of the post and the information is not haphazardly arranged. Also, the marketing strategy should also be treated in the same way as the writing strategy, for example, the platform on which the post would be created in order to get maximum likes and shares, Facebook.

Coming back to the optimal blog post length for SEO purposes in 2019, some people may write small posts like a 300-word blog. This means that the content mentioned is small and the attention span of the reader on the page would be smaller. Moreover, if the post is not what they are looking for, then the bounce rate of the website would increase.

However, it does not mean that the smaller blog posts are not at all important. These are better if the author is an avid blog writer and can write 4-5 blogs of this length covering different aspects of the topic. But the overall length of the words written for that content would again add up to 1500 and above. So why not create a bigger post that contains all the aspects well-written in a single place?

In this way, the reader would also generate confidence in the writer and would like to keep coming back if they need help with more topics in the future.

In a nutshell, the perfect blog post length for SEO purposes in 2019 stays between more than 1500 meaningful words and less than 1800. On average, 1750 would be the best choice to go with.

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