For those who have become used to using MS Office on Windows 97, 2000, or XP, using Office in Windows Vista might be some kind of a surprise! So, thought of coming up with a few shortcuts which one would use extensively in MS-Word 2007.
In the posts to follow, we will come up with a series of shortcuts on Powerpoint, Word, and Excel which would be exhaustive! (and you could download the same!)
The MS-Word 2007 has the following appearance where there are different tabs such as Home, Insert, Page layout, Reference, Mailing, Review, and View. Each of them is a ‘ribbon’ by itself and can be separated from the main bar (like a toggle view).
The shortcuts for the mail tabs are
Alt+h – Home
Alt+n – Insert
Alt+p – Pagelayout
Alt+s – Reference
Alt+m – Mailing
Alt+r – Review
Alt+w – View
Alt+h – Home
To change font Alt+h+ff
To Change font size Alt+h+fs
To highlight font Alt+H+i
To bold, italicize, underline font Alt+h+ 1/2/3
To insert bullets Alt+h+u
To align left / right / centre Alt+h+al/ar/ac
Alt + n- Insert
To insert a chart Alt+n+c
To insert smart shapes Alt+n+sh
To insert picture Alt+n+p
To insert table Alt+n+t
To insert header Alt+n+h
To insert footer Alt+n+o
To insert clipart Alt+n+f
Alt + p- Pagelayout
To insert margins Alt+p+m
To resize page Alt+p+sz
To insert page border Alt+p+pb
To change orientation Alt+p+o
Alt + s- References
To insert table of contents Alt+s+t
To insert end note Alt+s+e
To insert footnote Alt+s+o
To mark citation Alt+s+i
To insert bibliography Alt+s+b
To insert citation Alt+s+c
Alt + m- Mailing
To get envelop option Alt+m+e
To get label option Alt+m+l
To select recipients Alt+m+r
To start spell check Alt+r+s
To start thesaurus Alt+r+e
To introduce track changes Alt+r+g
To add a comment Alt+r+c
To have a word count Alt+r+w
Alt+w- View
To enable print layout view Alt+w+p
To enable full screen reading Alt+w+f
To insert ruler Alt+w+r
To zoom Alt+w+q
The above is not an exhaustive list but some of the shortcuts which could be used more often than others. Hope this makes your work a little easier! There is more to come, so watch out for this space!