Video conferencing is fast becoming an essential form of communication for both businesses and individuals alike. For two devices to carry out such an operation, a “standard definition” is required by devices. The most common standards bearer for Web conferencing is known as CIF (Common Intermediate Format).
CIF has an image resolution of 352×288. It pushes images at thirty frames per second. This standard form of resolution is what people may also find on television broadcasts. Overall, common resolutions have uniform image resolutions. This means that pretty much all Internet video conferencing software will use this form.
Interlaced and Video Scanning
Interlaced scanning is a type of scanning display. This works by refreshing one of half of the pixel rows in the first cycle. The next row will refresh itself in the second cycle. To complete the entire picture, interlaced scanning requires both cycles to run. The number resolution of interlaced scanning is 1080i, with the standing for “interlaced scanning.”
If there are only 60 Hz to a signal, then each cycle will refresh 30 Hz. Many see this form of scanning as a good way of using less bandwidth as it is a lot more efficient when it comes to bandwidth use. Interlaced scanning does tend to have drawbacks. One of these drawbacks is flickering, especially if the cycles tend to be halted momentarily.
Considering the Aspect Ratio
Another thing to consider in your video is what is known as the aspect ratio. The ratio refers to the relationship between the width and the height of the video. Like any ratio, the aspect ratio is expressed in two numbers with a colon in the middle.
The use of the aspect ratio has helped people worldwide determine how to play their videos. It is used to determine how a good picture is sent on European digital television and in cinemas.
At the moment, there are two video standards. These are the 4:3 standards. Since the nineteenth century, this standard has been quite old and used for a long time. Computer monitors and motion pictures cameras also make use of this aspect ratio.
The 16:9standard is used as an HDTV format. It is also used for things like not-digital HD television. Those with digital video recorders will find that it is possible to use the 16:9standard when they are capturing videos.
Video Resolutions
The quality of a video depends on the resolution that it has. Videos today use several common video resolution forms: 720p, 1080i, and 1080P. With 720p, an aspect ratio of 16:9 is used. This form of resolution is an improvement on older forms which include 480i and 480p.
These resolution forms were standard for a lot of terrestrial television. As a result, 720p created a new standard to ensure that customers could enjoy a higher quality of screen image resolution. 1080i is a resolution form that the SMPTE 292M standard follows.
Television engineers, therefore, use this resolution form. Several major television companies already use this form of resolution for many of the standard pictures that they send out. 1080P does not use interlaced scanning. There are 1080 horizontal lines set out in a vertical resolution.
When it comes to the aspect ratio, the form that this resolution normally uses is 16:9. Several websites on the Internet allow users to upload their videos in this resolution. Many digital distribution services also deliver their content using this form of resolution for all kinds of videos.
About the author
Michelle Patterson has been learning and writing about the new IP-based communication technologies. She loves sharing her information so that businesses and business owners can take advantage of these technologies.