15 Top Tools to Make Highly Competitive Android/iOS App

Tools for making Android and iOS apps

Both the iOS and Android-powered devices have amazingly revolutionized the mobile market, or I should rather say, almost every business. The advancement in both platforms is overhauling the mobile ecosystem at a great pace.

With the official Apple Pay, and dominating Android mobile market shares, it can be anticipated that both the mobile platforms will continue to lead the mobile arena in the coming future as well.

Businesses are rapidly choosing these platforms to develop a suitable mobile application that can bolster their presence across the earth.

However, they are still steadily endeavoring to develop and maintain mobile applications either for their peers, resources, or consumers. If you have a team of experts who can deliver a ravishing application for iOS and Android users, you could find potentially hefty paychecks at your door.

For the folks who are facing challenges in developing and maintaining mobile applications, it is advisable to seek a suitable course and learn the development process. There are several valuable courses that charge minimal fees, you can search for them online.

Fortunately today, we have myriads of resourceful tools and frameworks that augment mobile application development. You name a platform, and you will get a range of tools for that. In this article, I have shortlisted some of the prolific mobile app development tools that can help you proficiently target Android or iOS users.

CocoaPods, Como, GenyMotion, Corona, Shoutem
CocoaPods, Como, GenyMotion, Corona, Shoutem tools to make Android/iOS Apps

CocoaPods, iOS App Development

CocoaPods is a fabulous dependency manager that works great with both Objective-C and Swift projects. It comprises a whopping number of useful libraries that aid developers to conveniently accomplish their job.

It is developed at the top of Ruby, thus, if your OS X already has Ruby, you can easily install CocoaPods on your system. The included comprehensive guide further makes it easier to get started with this tool.

Como – Android & iOS App Development

Como is a brilliant Android and iOS application development tool that offers a huge range of building blocks, including eCommerce, events, user reviews, and a lot more. Most of the applications developed from this tool are developed for some organization that supports an event.

Genymotion – Android App Development

Although the Android SDK is quite useful and offers several handy tools, using the default Android emulator could be a daunting and tedious task for some. Genymotion breakthroughs this issue by offering a speedy Android Emulator. This powerful tool is specifically designed to make Android application testing a faster and easier process.

Corona – Android & iOS App Development

Whether you are a novice, an intermediate, or an expert developer, Corona makes a much sought-after choice, irrespective of your expertise. This SDK supports Android as well as iOS application development by offering meaningful and useful tools that can help you quickly develop applications. All you need to do is include a few lines of code, run them, and the appropriate application will be developed.

ShoutEm – Android & iOS App Development

One of the valuable fishes in the application pond, ShoutEm offers a list of powerful options, like a location-based directory. It features a simple drag and drop interface that makes it highly convenient for one to design an application in the desired manner, without getting deep into coding. This adorable tool is user-friendly and delivers an outstanding performance.

iBuildApp, AppTopia, Fluid, Xamarin, AppPress
iBuildApp, AppTopia, Fluid, Xamarin, AppPress tools to make Android and iOS Apps

iBuildApp – Android & iOS App Development

iBuildApp is a stunning tool that provides highly customizable templates that can be used to adorn iOS or Android applications. This tool not only makes app development an effective and efficient process but also helps one to create applications with rich aesthetics.

Apptopia – Android & iOS App Development

Apptoppia is a worthwhile tool for Android and iOS app developers. It offers precise info about an application like the revenue generated by an application, its rank, and the number of download hits in the respective application store. Moreover, you can also seek the SDK data for an application anytime and anywhere via this tool.

Fluid UI – Android & iOS App Development

Fluid UI is one of the most popular tools that facilitate one to design the interface of an application in the desired fashion. You can efficiently assemble mock-ups via this web-based prototyping tool.

It heightens agile app development and allows one to seamlessly visualize the flow of his application so that he can tweak it accordingly and create a requisite application.

Xamarin Studio – Android & iOS App Development

Offering an absolute way to build, test, and monitor an application, Xamarin Studio is a simple yet highly useful tool. It also supports Mac and Windows applications, while allowing you to conveniently develop Android and iOS applications.

However, Mac and Windows apps are required to be developed on their platforms. The built-in components of this application amazingly expedite the development process. Moreover, the included legible product documentation and support make it easier to start application development.

AppPress, Android & iOS App Development

App Press is yet another web-based tool that doesn’t demand to code at all and offers applications that can seamlessly run on various mobile platforms, including Android and iOS.

It features a beautiful UI akin to Photoshop, where you can design the app interface by adding different layers to it. Thus, you can conveniently design, develop and deploy an application, and connect with your target audience.

Mobincube, Prepo, Unity, Reflector, Alcatraz
Mobincube, Prepo, Unity, Reflector, Alcatraz tools to make Android and iOS Apps

Mobincube – Android & iOS App Development

You can flawlessly interact with a gigantic user base via a native application developed through Mobincube. This fantastic tool also lets you send Push Notifications and gain loyalty from your potential customers. Moreover, it also allows one to embed HTML modules into apps and create advanced applications.

Prepo – iOS App Development

Prepo is a brilliant application that is specifically created to facilitate Mac users to conveniently develop a requisite application. This free app allows one to flawlessly design desired icons and artwork to create a beautiful application interface. It comes complete with an intuitive UI, and simple drag and drops file support that further makes it easy to use.

Unity – Android App Development

If you are interested in developing an attractive and functional gaming application enriched with classy 3D graphics and an intriguing interface, Unity makes a viable choice. You can boost your business values by creating a requisite gaming app via this fabulous tool.

Reflector2 – iOS App Development

Reflector2 is an incredible tool that allows one to smoothly stream his content to a bigger screen. It basically acts as a mirror that is compatible with AirPlay, AirParrot, and Google Cast.

With this tool, you can observe the application, running on a handy device, on a bigger screen without any hassles of wires. This certainly makes it a preferred choice for conducting mobile usability tests.

Alcatraz – iOS App Development

Alcatraz is a worthy package manager for Xcode that allows one to install additional plugins straight in his IDE. It is easy to install, you just need to implement a simple command.

Once it is installed and the Xcode is started, it will bring the “Package Manager” tab under the Windows tab. You can then proceed in a suitable fashion to accomplish the task.

Wrapping Up

There is no dearth of mobile applications in the market, if you really want to boost your business values with a proficient application while targeting the leading mobile platforms (Android and iOS), it must possess innovative and intriguing features.

Thankfully, there are several incredibly useful tools and frameworks available that miraculously support mobile application development. I have included a few of the top-notched Android and iOS application development tools in this post.

I hope choosing the suitable ones from the above list will help you create a marvelous mobile application to have an edge over the competition with a flair.

Author Signature: Lucie Kruger is an application developer working with Mobiers Ltd, which is the leading Android app development company. She provides concrete information on the latest information on mobile technologies like iOS or Android development.

Image Source: BigStock

Guest author: Addison Cohen is an application developer for Appsted Ltd, an mobile apps development services provider. He loves sharing the latest information on the latest mobile technology.

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