Ecommerce continues to grow at an exponential rate. Many of the customers that are exploding the industry are Millennials and Generation Z, and they expect things a certain way.
If you want a part of the market share of the younger generations, you’ve got to understand what makes them pull out their credit card or digital wallet.
That is why it is increasingly valuable to understand the trends in omnichannel marketing for eCommerce. We’ve included four omnichannel marketing trends for your enlightenment.
4 Important Marketing Trends for E-commerce in 2019
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1. Seamless Digital Experience Will Become the Norm
A seamless shopping experience is what makes omnichannel marketing work with your customers. As more and more e-commerce stores implement a cohesive experience, more customers are going to expect it, especially those in the younger generations.
To get on board with this marketing trend, you must have one message across all your e-commerce marketing channels. Your storefront, mobile, social, web-based marketing message, and email automation must be all woven of the same cloth.
When your shoppers see your brand, they know it immediately no matter where they are browsing. Omnichannel marketing builds customer confidence and increases sales.
2. Fast and Affordable Shipping Will Dominate the Market
Amazon Prime has set the bar here with its free 2nd-day shipping. Free, fast shipping is one of the driving reasons for their gargantuan success. More companies are following suit, including Costco, ShopRunner, Dell Computers, and more.
Moreover, with the rise of instant delivery services like InstaCart, SHIPT, and GrubHub, the insatiable need to have stuff fast will only grow. The instant gratification of knowing they can get their stuff fast will give your customers the extra push they need to put more items in their shopping cart.
If not already there, fast, affordable shipping should be on your agenda soon. People will gladly pay a little more for an item to get it now, especially with the perceived value of free shipping.
3. Voice Search Will Drive Sales
Statistics show that 7/10 people prefer to use web-based mobile browsers to make e-commerce purchases rather than using an app-based program. With smart technology like Siri and Ok Google voice recognition, more and more shoppers will be searching for products with their words.
This trend means that your e-commerce store should be optimized not just for websites and mobile, but also for voice searches. One way to accomplish this is through using keywords that mimic questions someone might ask their phone about your products.
4. Artificial Intelligence Will Make Business Easier
AI is your business’s new best friend. Instantaneous data analysis can provide your customers with relevant information and offers to help them make buying decisions.
It is a win-win because your customer feels like you know their needs and wants. This mutual benefit is why AI is slated to be one of the most significant trends in omnichannel marketing for eCommerce.
Chatbots and AI virtual assistants will play their role in gathering data to help make a personalized experience for your customers. Plus, AI will free up your time because once programmed, it keeps working for you, allowing you time to focus on the parts of the business that you enjoy.
With AI, you can also pull relevant data and create customized automated email campaigns for people who share similar interests. The more customized exposure to your client’s interests, the more sales you will make.
Don’t lose your share of the market by ignoring these significant omnichannel marketing trends. Start implementing them in your e-commerce store to see an increase in sales and satisfied customers.