Technology has changed in unexpected ways throughout the years. Have you ever seen those mock-ups from the 50s detailing what “the future” would look like? Some of those things have come true – video chatting, GPS – but no one could have predicted something like Facebook back then. Needless to say, it’s changed our lives in more ways than we could have previously imagined.
How We Eat
Arguably the greatest revolution in the way humans eat since cooking our food over the fire would be services like Yelp and Foursquare. Not only can we enjoy authentic Italian panini and the tremendous service the staff is giving us, but we can also share it with the world and post reviews. As an incentive, a lot of restaurants utilize digital coupons if you check in when there, so make sure you use them before laying your platinum card down on the table.
How We Buy Cars
It used to require a weekend trip to shop for a car. You’d put on your sturdiest pair of boots and some warm clothes that would give Santa Claus a run for his money and drive to every dealership within a 50-mile radius. Thankfully, things have changed.
You don’t even have to go into the next room. You can simply hop on your laptop, go to a site like DriveTime, and save all the hassle of looking at every car individually. Looking at cars online allows you to sort cars in peace and quiet and go to the dealership when you’ve chosen a car.
How We Bank
Next to waiting in line at the DMV and going to the dentist, physically going to the bank is probably one of the most dreaded first-world experiences. Banking online and mobile banking apps are the change we’ve waited and hoped for.
You don’t have to step into a branch anymore. Transferring your money from one account to another, setting up automatic payments, and even depositing checks can all be done from your phone, wherever you are.
How We Date
It used to be if you lived in a cabin in the woods or even worked from home, you’d have a hard time meeting a significant other. Now, if your dream is to live in solitude, you still have a shot at finding someone.
From sites like,, and, or dating apps like Tinder, you can find the person of your dreams without leaving the comfort of your own home. Granted, some cite technology has changed relationships for the worse, but it has given people the opportunity to find the love of their lives.
Whether you like it or not, advances in technology are going to change the way we do things. These days, change seems to be progressing more rapidly than ever before. But before you worry about change, just remember: There was a time that people were afraid of the printing press.