Did you know going ‘ONLINE’ can actually help you save bucks?

Savings - Save Money

There is no denying that we have a hell of a lot of expenses, and by the end of the month, and by that I mean the 22nd of the month, the bank account gets busted and we, helplessly grope around every penny we could find to drag through the remaining days.

Admit it; this happens to most, scratch that, to all of us, unless you are stinking rich, which most of us want to be but are not. And savings, what savings? We spend it all, and at the maximum level, we save around single-digit figures and sometimes, not that too!

Several things can help us save, but we ignore them most of the time because we decide that savings can not happen. Let me take you through this journey of maybe, basic tips of savings, where you will see how much difference these minute things can make when you take it all online.

1. Recharges

Mobile bills play a major part in bankrupting our pockets. And heavens forbid, if you have a girlfriend/boyfriend, it is justified even if you sell your house to pay your mobile bills.

And we mostly ignore the part of savings in them. Yes, buddy, you can save on recharges too. It is possible. Let me elaborate on this bit for you. I bet you’re not walking down your lane to that recharge store and ask the guy to do it for you anymore. If you are, two words.

Could you stop it? Take things online. There are many recharge sites where you can decide what you want and recharge your mobile phones yourself. Some apps will help you save. And yes, then there is the boss, Paytm, which is totally in trend right now. Did you know there is 100% Paytm cashback? Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about! Save it, guys.

2. Shopping

Girls, pay attention! This one is especially for you! No matter how full the closet is, we still crave new dresses and new shoes. I don’t blame that, it’s a natural girl tendency. But, shop wisely. Scout for the best discount on that little black dress. What have you got the internet for?

And those shoes, hunt for the best deal you can grab, use the best of best ways to get what you want for the price you think it is for and that’s actually possible. And see how buying it online helps? You get amazing discounts everywhere. Another perk is that it’s crazy time-saving and won’t burn a hole in your pocket!

3. Travel

Again, this is ignored so much; you’d think it is a service agreement. But it’s not! Period. You spend almost 23 hours a day on the internet, mate. Why not use it to search for something that will actually help you save money? Planning a trip to Ladakh?

Go on the internet; you’d find unbelievable deals that will actually help you to save on your travel expenses- the bus and airline tickets. You’d be surprised, I guarantee! And then hotel rooms are just as easy and cheap if you manage to get the best deal. See what I meant by “taking things online?”

4. Movies

Everyone wants a little relaxation after that hectic week, where you almost died at work. Happens. And that’s why entertainment. But why should that again mean that you should spend all your earning on the tickets?

Worse, popcorn! And boy, getting the tickets for that gig or that superstar’s movie is no less than a circus feat. And let’s see what we have here, ah, the internet again! Book your tickets online. Get cashback or pizza coupons. Quite easy, to be honest!

These are some of the things that we usually ignore, but these take up the maximum space in your wallet. Be the tech-savvy generation folk and rock it all with the internet!

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