How to Get Rid of Bugs and Pests Without Impacting Your Health

Ways to Get Rid of Indoor Bugs and Pests Naturally

Cockroaches, ants, and flies, oh my!

If you have insects living rent-free in your home, it’s time that you do something about it. Simply killing or removing them one at a time is a temporary solution, not a permanent strategy.

The problem is that most mainstream methods of dealing with insects involve harsh chemicals and dangerous processes. To eradicate insects and protect your health simultaneously, you must find safe, natural alternatives.

4 Safe Ways to Get Rid of Insects

Depending on the type of insect you have in your home, how serious the infestation is, and what sort of unique factors there are in your situation, you may find the following safe, natural methods effective:

1. Remove Excess Moisture

Several different household bugs love water. These include silverfish, drain flies, cockroaches, water bugs, mosquitos, mold mites, and centipedes. If you notice these bugs in your home, you may have an overabundance of water.

One of the easiest and most effective methods for getting rid of various insects is to remove excess moisture from home. Problem areas include clogged drains, standing water in sinks and tubs, dirty dishes in the sink, and unused/exposed water cups. It’s also smart to look around the perimeter of your home, where clogged gutters, birdbaths, and stagnant swimming pools can collect water and create issues.

2. Clean With Natural Ingredients

Why go out and purchase harsh chemicals from the store when you can clean with safe and natural ingredients (arguably) more effective? In addition to using staple items like vinegar, baking soda, and borax, try some different essential oils.

“Insects can’t stand the smell of lemongrass, which means that it’s especially good for keeping them out of your home,” natural blogger Susan Patterson writes. “One of the best ways to take advantage of it is to heat up about a half cup of water and add in about 20 to 25 drops of lemongrass oil. Put it all in a spray bottle and spray all of your doors, windows, and infested surfaces”.

Other good essential oils include eucalyptus, tea tree oil, and lavender oil. The versatile nature of oils makes them good for use in various applications, so do your research and look for different opportunities to try new things.

3. Use Natural Repellants

So many of the insect repellants you’ll see on the market are dangerous. Even many of the products that claim to be safe are questionable. Having said that, there are safe repellants available. The key is to read the ingredient list and only use products with natural components. Some examples include:

If you do your research, you can find a natural, non-toxic product for almost any household bug. If you can’t find a product available for sale, you should make your own using natural ingredients.

4. Keep Your House Clean

The best thing you can do to prevent insects from taking up residence inside your home is to keep surfaces clean. This is especially important in high-traffic areas like the kitchen.

“Whether you choose to sweep or vacuum, clean the floor daily,” blogger Sarah Aguirre suggests. “Food and residue need to be removed quickly so that bugs won’t be attracted to the mess. Missing a day may be just enough to attract some unwanted visitors to an unintended feast.”

It’s also important to always clean dishes immediately after use, to avoid letting clutter accumulate, and to wipe down bathrooms at least once per week.

Keep Your Family Safe and Healthy

Every insect responds differently to various treatments, but there’s no need to use harsh chemicals in your home. There is a safer and more natural alternative to the commercial, chemical-based products you find on supermarket shelves in almost every case. Keep an eye out and be conscientious of what you’re introducing into your home.

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