Invest in an office: and make it look amazing

Modern Office Interior

The indomitable rise of the internet has lessened the need for a necessity for a stylish office – but if you want to attract the right kind of clients, a workplace that shines is essential.

Indeed, entrepreneurs who confine themselves online close themselves off from face-to-face meetings with major clients, and they decrease the creativity and communication skills that can be milked from an open and inviting workspace.

Despite this, many small businesses see investment in a snazzy workplace as a minimal concern. This is understandable. When your company is at constant risk of falling into the red, adding a fresh lick of paint to the walls might not seem like it’ll keep you afloat.

But the truth is, there are myriad benefits to improving your workplace’s interior design, including:

  • Heightened productivity from staff
  • Increased engagement from visiting clients
  • A sense of prestige in your workplace
  • Greater overall morale from your staff
  • A more effective workspace from which to operate

That’s only the tip of the iceberg in terms of advantages, but we’ll stop there and tell you a few ways you might want to make your workplace look hip, cool, and drowning in profits.

Master the mezzanine

Remember that scene in the film Zoolander, where the titular character enters Owen Wilson’s warehouse apartment? Skateboarders pulled off amazing stunts on a halfpipe; fashionistas lounged in beanbags while nursing Martinis and the entire joint reeked of an out cool that would make most marketers salivate.

Casa di Hansel Zoolander

And you know what – most media or design agencies would love that kind of workplace design.

One way to obtain a hip look is to invest in mezzanine floors, adding another level to your office.

Supported by steel girders, a standard mezzanine floor is relatively simple to construct when you contact professionals. It’s worth the cash and will provide you with a surplus of space and style.

Check out Google

The Google offices have an exemplary reputation in interior design, in part because of their loose attitude towards a work ethic. Why shouldn’t you have a chillout zone in your workplace? Why can’t employees have a snooze to refresh them before a long afternoon’s hard graft? Why shouldn’t you combine modern art with 21st-century tech?

While you might not always agree with their attitudes towards employees and design, their offices should act as a source of inspiration for you. Even on a small budget, you don’t have to conform to workplaces that are duller than your gran’s eyesight.

Think outside the box and your nine-to-five won’t feel like such a slog.

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