Top 6 Tech Podcasts You Need in Your Ears in 2024 (Listen Now!)

No excuse, daily tech podcasts for all

We all have that one friend who is a tech junkie; he knows everything about the newest gadget or technology to be released. Sometimes it can get overwhelming for us to keep up with the rapidly growing technology market, and the products that are streaming into it.

While there are TV shows, YouTube channels, bloggers, etc. out there, podcasts can prove as a very effective way to stay updated about the tech world.

Why podcasts?

The increase in podcasts in the past decade is profound. More and more people are warming up to the idea of listening to a podcast on their topics of interest, as it is time-friendly and practical. Time chunks in our everyday experience can easily enable a good podcast to be introduced. 

The commute is where most of us lose a good one or more hours every day; even gym time can be spent well if you listen to a podcast. They are handy, can be downloaded easily, and heard via any gadget you prefer.

To be or not to be updated.

You might be wondering how purposeful it would be for you to be informed about the tech world, for starters; we are all consumers of technology like never before. It’s not just our cell phones, but everything is well integrated and conceptualized to make life easy for us to live.

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Being in the know of what’s buzzing, will serve not only as a conversation starter but may also help you resolve any issues you may be facing. The tech world is dedicated to making life easier, by coming up with innovative solutions to our problems.

Only if we know about a new solution in the market, can we purchase and use it. The growing interest of people in technology makes it an important genre to be acquainted with; tech news holds a strong position in the news market right now.

Here’s a rundown of the top 5 daily tech news podcasts

The Daily Crunch by Tech Crunch

From the top tech startup and technology news, the Spoken Edition is the audible format of all the news you just don’t have time to read. Listen anywhere, and stay updated. Daily updates on the tech world in less than 3 minutes, save time, and are efficient!

Gadgets and Tech by Gizmodo

Another tech lovers’ favorite website, provides information to users via podcasts, the latest news, and gadget reviews in under 4 minutes, you just can avoid a healthy tech dose like this, a new podcast every day!

WSJ Tech News Briefing by The Wall Street Journal

A podcast for the loyal and keen followers of the Wall Street Journal, daily updates on the latest in technology. The Podcast journalists cover leading companies, new gadgets, consumer trends, personal technology, app features, start-ups, and more. Each podcast is 8 to 12 minutes long, and the topics for the day’s podcast are noted in the episode, making it easy for you to select a podcast based on your liking.

Techmeme Ride Home by Techmeme

From Silicon-Valleys most-read resource comes a daily news podcast that will have you hooked and educated every day. Each podcast is dated, with day and topic; their podcasts are lengthier in comparison, with a 15-22 minute range. Great for those who want a little more detail and information, and are tech fans.

Mashable Tech – Spoken Edition by Mashable

A quick daily roundup of tech news is spoken from Mashable in under 5 minutes! The topics are noted in the podcast title so it’s easy for listeners to pick and choose what they want to hear. You can find all tech-related news, including business news in the podcasts.

Other noteworthy podcasts that provide daily tech news and updates include, DTNS (Daily Tech News Show), Wired News – Spoken Edition, PC Perspective Podcast, and The 404 Show, available in MP3 format this one is known for being a mixed bag of tech, pop-culture a tech mix covering movies, comics, video games, etc.

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The beauty of the podcast bandwagon is; that everyone is welcome, with whatever time you can give to it, from a few minutes to a full half-hour of updates.

Even the people who aren’t that interested in tech can benefit from a quick update from the professionals and be well-educated and in tune with the topic. Just like any other podcast, it takes some time and listening to find out which one suits you the best, and which one you enjoy the most, and pick a favorite (or few) for yourself!

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