Developing a business is a very complicated endeavor. There are simply numerous things to think about. One has to think about the quality of the service or merchandise on offer, marketing campaigns, financial expenses, and, last but not least, customer satisfaction. Whenever a new customer finds you, there are usually several questions that need answers.
You will give your best to provide good answers a couple of times, but once you become overwhelmed with the number of customers asking questions, you will be in serious trouble. This is why many businesses turn to software solutions specified for creating knowledge bases and FAQ online pages. As this kind of software is necessary for good customer satisfaction, let’s see what your options are in the wiki software sphere.
This is one of the most known wiki software packages, as it is used by Wikipedia itself. The software package is available in over 300 languages. The package is only 44 MB and it is used by other big sites around the world.
The software is based on PHP, but the only problem is that the basic package is not enough and needs a number of plugins or extensions which add additional features to this wiki software solution.
Twiki is a very flexible solution. It is a very good enterprise wiki platform with a lot of satisfied users. It is perfect for business users who want to create big knowledge bases and organize their documents.
The platform is equally useful for collaboration and it is possible to set up an intranet, extranet, or internet connection. The platform was coded in Perl and the developers are working to increase the functionality of the platform even further by adding a variety of plugins.
This is the first wiki platform that is developed in Java. It is an open-source wiki software that is very popular due to a number of its features. Its modular design is something that attracts people and the fact that the platform can easily export PDF documents contributes a lot to its overall usability.
Additionally, the platform is used for developing various collaboration applications. The enterprise edition has a Blog, LDAP authentication, and PDF exporting. There are also numerous other features that make this platform very special.
ProProfs Online Wiki Software
ProProfs is a knowledge-based online solution. This enterprise wiki platform is very simplified with an abundance of features. Everything is focused on user experience, making the platform very easy to use. The platform requires no coding skills, it is very well optimized for mobile devices, there is a Google-like search option and it can integrate with other applications and software solutions.
The fact that over 1.2 million users rely on this platform, proves that it is a very good option for numerous businesses out there. Not to mention that some of their customers are companies such as Sony, Dell, Cisco, DHL, and even Harvard University.
This is another wiki enterprise platform that is very easy to use. It was coded in Java and it is widely used by numerous companies from around the world. The company boasts an immense quality of their JIRA servers and the fact that it is capable of following your business needs no matter how much you grow.
The enterprise option guarantees a great boost to your company’s productivity owing to zero downtime of their servers. The company was founded in 2004 and the fact that it still exists means that it is very safe to use and that there is an experienced team behind it.
eXo Platform
This is a platform created back in 2002. With years in the field, the company behind this platform has tremendously grown. Their services are widely used by millions. The platform is very up to date with the implementation of modern technology, cloud support being the latest addition to their wiki platform.
Boltwire is a well-designed solution that counts a great number of users. It is a web development engine that is capable of delivering beautifully designed wiki pages, making it a great choice for all businesses. The platform was created in PHP and it is in early development, and there are many features to be added to this platform.
The platform relies on 4 basic principles. The first is simple, the installation should run smoothly without any complexities. The same goes for the configuration. The second is small, the basic zip is smaller than 100kbs yet capable of great things with a single line of code.
The third is strength, enabling users to create anything by using only their browser. Finally, the fourth, security, standing for the high security of the platform, making it a perfect choice for many business owners.
Zoho Wiki
If you are one of the users who doesn’t want to deal with wiki engine maintenance on their own web server, this is probably the best option for you. The platform also has a beautiful user-friendly design. You will easily be able to create a wiki knowledge base with this awesome tool.
This is a free online platform that is focused on regular users. However, it has enterprise potential and the platform is very user-friendly. All of the wiki pages are hosted on their servers and it is also possible to add ad codes to your wiki pages.
DokuWiki is used by numerous websites. The platform is very customizable, written in PHP, and there are over 70 design templates. As the platform does not require any databases, as it stores data in plain text files, it is favored by many users around the world.
These are some of the best wiki enterprise solutions for your business. All of them are fairly easy to use. Even though some come at a cost, there is much better customer support for paid solutions which can greatly help you when using the platform for the first time. If you want to make your business bloom, one of these wiki platforms is perfect for you.