Today’s digital world has created a phenomenal change in the way people have started to purchase even day-to-day basic requirements. Thanks mainly to online shopping, which has become a global hit and rage.
Customers and Retailers have adopted the online shopping and selling methodology to perfection.
This has no doubt led to the emergence of a number of E-commerce apps. With smartphones having all but taken over a user preference completely with respect to the earlier desktops or laptops, there has been a phenomenal increase in Mobile App Development requirements, especially in the E-Commerce sector.
However, the success of any mobile app largely depends on how effectively it has been built and what key features it brings along with it. E-Commerce mobile apps no doubt have a much wider audience reach as the whole world is going the mobile way.
But there are certain key aspects that are associated with professional mobile app development, which every developer would benefit, from before designing that important E-commerce Mobile App to boost your company’s profits.
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How to develop a mobile App for E-Commerce
For many reasons, an E-commerce mobile app could just be the best way to scale up your business and target the right audience globally. The matter of fact that you can do this without having to travel places is a big advantage.
Off late, Businesses around the world are consistently adopting the idea of having a mobile app up their sleeves, especially those who are into Retail to a considerable extent. Commonly quoted examples of reference for any Startup, venturing to have its own E-commerce mobile app, are Amazon, eBay, and Snapdeal.
However, these online business giants haven’t had it easy either. There has been tremendous competition amongst themselves and each one of them has been able to come out and breathe fresh, due to their own technical competence and ability to meet challenges. Now then, for a Startup, getting to prove your credentials, as an E-commerce portal of repute, these tips will be of good help and serve as an able guide.
Begin with a well-structured User Interface (UI)
Thinking from a user’s perspective, his first impressions of an E-commerce app usually revolves around, neither the brand value of the app nor the product range supported. He also is not worried about whether the app provides any price discounts.
It is the very design of the UI which creates that first impression in the user’s mind and motivates him to move forward. The UI design can focus more on how users can be welcomed into the app and guided forward through all the available categories.
As such, every button, menu, and content is extremely important. Good UI design can be a real winner by motivating users to explore the app more in-depth and ultimately, to make purchases on it.
Easy Navigation through the App
The ease of moving through the E-Commerce App is very important. Compared to a website, a mobile app has space constraints and hence the design should focus more on how solid and brief, it can be. To achieve this, it would be good to limit your E-Commerce menu to only the most important categories and subcategories to be displayed. Items appearing under each category or subcategory can be named as a single word e.g. say a shirt, a trouser, or a blazer.
A simplified login and logout process
How easily can users access your app determines the success of your app. Hence, even the first few steps of logging or signing in and logging out or signing out, assume significant importance. Additionally, the speed with which a user can complete these formalities also assumes critical importance.
Hence to achieve an excellent user experience, instead of requesting the user to enter his entire personal detail as a part of the login or sign-in process, social media logins such as through Facebook or Gmail could be facilitated. This can save the user’s time to a considerable extent and keep him excited about the steps to follow.
Support multiple payment options
This is extremely important. Any E-commerce portal is judged by the users, based on how flexible, the payment options are. In other words, does your portal accept credit cards, debit cards, net banking, e-wallets, and other proven sources of payment?
A versatile E-Commerce mobile app should work to the customer’s comfort, as every customer would prefer a different payment option. Hence making all the options available will be a great step forward for your E-commerce website.
Quick Loading Process
What users prefer is a quick transaction. This can happen only if the pages on the mobile app load as quickly as possible, without making the user wait for long and change his plans. Image Loading and transiting within pages should not take more than 4-5 seconds. Else there could be every possibility for the user to explore alternative options due to slow mobile apps.
Adding a progress bar
Your cart may require users to undergo multiple processes before they pay for their purchases. A progress bar to indicate how many more processes are still to be completed before the payment stage is reached might just keep the user interested in the transaction. This will prevent users from signing out halfway through the purchase due to lengthy formalities to be completed.
Include an “Add to Favourite” option in your E-Commerce App
There is every possibility that a customer would like to take a look at a variety of choices before deciding on a particular product that he wants to buy. In such a case, an “Add to Favourites” option will be an extremely useful facility. Once the customers are done with selecting the choices and putting them under “Add to favorites”, they can then comfortably select the product suiting them the best.
Include Google Analytics in your Mobile App
The most critical part as always is the customer feedback part. It is important to know how customers have accepted your mobile app. Google Analytics can help you out in finding out what features of your app people like a lot and where lies room for further improvements. Google Analytics analyses the feedback with real-time data thereby enabling you to improve upon the areas required.
Innovative use of Smartphone abilities
Every one of us is now aware of what Smartphones are capable of. With a number of sensors, gestures, and wireless connectivity at their disposal, creative developers would very well like to make the best use of them. Apps can use them all. Developers can come out with the most attractive and user-friendly design with the help of all the inbuilt features of a smartphone and deliver the ultimate user experience.
Build a safe and secure app
With E-commerce apps becoming increasingly popular, there is an increased threat from hackers and attackers. A poorly secured app can easily be breached to get the personal information and financial data of users. High-level data security will be very helpful in addition to encrypting the transaction with the best possible security features.
E-commerce websites are the talk of the town. With online business transactions set to scale greater heights by the end of every passing day, these tips will help you to get your app developed in a comprehensive and complete way. They will help you get an app that will make a real difference in your E-Commerce business venture.
Image source: Freepik Premium