7 unknown facts you must know about E-waste

Facts of E-waste

Many of us are always concerned about the environment and the conservation of natural resources. Have you ever thought about why various countries are emphasizing the need for e-waste management and recycling of electrical goods? Well, if your answer is no, we will highlight the topic in detail.

There are certain things that people don’t know about e-waste management and the immediate need for encouragement. Not many of us are aware of the fact that e-waste such as old electronic components doesn’t get decomposed on their own.

Here are some other unknown facts that you must know about e-waste.

How much we should recycle, and how much we recycle

According to recent surveys, most people do not prefer recycling their old computers and other electronic devices. The majority of people are unaware of the fact that one cannot simply increase the resources that nature has provided us.

We recycle about 20 to 25 percent of the total e-waste, which should be at least more than 70 percent.

Only 20 percent of the total Dumped e-waste is recycled

It is alarming that every year 300 to 400 million electronic items are dumped, and only 20 percent of them are recycled. This is one of the hot topics that require immediate attention by the authorities.

Some electrical components can never be dumped

There are certain electrical components in the complex circuits of computers and other electrical appliances that can never be dumped. These components are harmful to nature and require a professional electronics recycling service, which ensures proper recycling without affecting the environment.

Old Electronic items are Abundant

Since the modern era of advancement has provided fast-processing computer systems, the need for recycling older machinery has been finished. The old computers are of no use as their components and electrical parts cannot be reused in manufacturing the new generation systems.

Cell phone recycling can play a significant role

More than 50 million cell phones are replaced by users worldwide. The majority of people who prefer recycling their phones are between 7 to 10 percent, which is considered very low.

According to the experts, if only recycle a million cell phones per year, it can significantly reduce greenhouse emissions, which equals to the pollution caused by around 1300 cars per year.

Electronic appliances are destructive for the environment
Electronic appliances are destructive to the environment

Some Electronic appliances are destructive to the environment

Electronic appliances such as monitors and screens contain little amount of mercury, which can adversely affect the environment. Moreover, CRT monitors contain 4 to 7 lbs of lead, which is again a damaging substance for the environment.

The majority of e-waste of the world is transferred to Asia

A large amount of e-waste is exported to Asian countries like India, China, and Kenya, where almost the entire e-waste is recycled. These countries have better recycling, and they make e-waste more profitable as compared to non-Asian countries.


E-waste management is becoming a major challenge across the globe. Numerous countries are trying to get over this serious matter by encouraging people to recycle their old electronic appliances.

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