ADSL, or Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line internet connections, utilize the same wires as fixed home telephone lines to provide high-speed internet to a residence.
While in the past internet that used a fixed home line setup typically interfered with the phone connection, ADSL works on a disparate frequency, to allow both the telephone and the internet connection to function at their full capacity.
ADSL 2 is the next generation of ADSL internet connection and boasts faster connection and download speeds than the previous version allowed. Click here for details about ADSL 2.
Connection and download speeds of course vary depending on the user’s proximity to a DSL exchange, however, the average Australian residence can expect to experience 12-24 megabits per second (Mbps).
With the upgrade from standard ADSL connections to ADSL2 connections, Australian internet users can also expect a faster connection further from the exchange site.
Those living in rural and remote areas are commonly not offered the choice of ADSL 2 due to locational constraints and continue to suffer the hardships of slow internet connections that can and do become detrimental to business and study pursuits.
However, for the lucky internet users able to gain access to ADSL 2 connections, differences from the standard ADSL connections can be noticed in many areas of the service.
Firstly, new features have been added to the widely popular internet service product, which aims to improve the functionality and performance of the individual’s internet connection.
As well as this, ADSL 2 has been designed and developed with far better resistance to diagnostics and noise, as well as being equipped with a standby function to save power.
With the constant emergence of internet-carrying devices, more of us are becoming multi-device users, engaging in technological communications via a mobile phone, laptop, computer, tablet, or all of the above every day of our lives.
An internet service that could support the needs of all of these service-hungry devices was needed, and ADSL 2 well and truly filled that gap in the market.
Households and businesses connecting multiple devices to the internet can, thanks to the high speeds and the capability of ADSL 2 connections, experience high-speed internet provision even when several others connected to the same network are experiencing the same.
On top of this, ADSL 2 has reduced internet initialization times from ten seconds to just three or fewer seconds, meaning users can initially load their internet browser at far quicker rates than ever before.
ADSL 2 is a clear choice for heavy internet users who find themselves viewing pages of photographs or downloading music on occasion, as they will discover ADSL 2 allows the desired content to load in a minimal amount of time.
Those who tend to stream videos, games online, view the content-rich website,s or download movies, however, should look into ADSL 2+ connections for best performance, as these best support the aforementioned activities.
ADSL 2 is perfect for the avid internet user who is after a quick download and connection speeds, that will not compromise the integrity of their fixed phone line service.
Image Source: Connecting A Modem For High-Speed Internet