I Kruti Beesam came into this world like any other person. The only difference is that I have not been blessed with a properly functioning body. I have cerebral palsy [CP]. Can that be used as a reason to deny my rights?
Shouldn’t I wish to be educated like others? Though I’m not an outstanding student I’m good enough to give exams n get through them with a good percentage. I have completed my 10th grade from Roots School and I secured a 75 percent in the board exams.
People there have treated me very well and have provided me with all the facilities I need. Similarly at Nasr school where I did my 11th and 12th, I got the best treatment from teachers and friends. I never had any problem. Then on what basis should I be denied my right? Recently my mother approached St Francis Degree College for Women seeking admission for me.
Naveena Mahila Awards 2013-14 – Semifinals – Part 1 – Tv9:
When she met the principal and told her about me and requested her to allow me to use the lift she was shown out of the college asking her to look for another college. She was also told that they give preference only to Christians. I guess we must remind them that they are running an educational institution and not a religious institution.
It is sad to see that even today people have different rules for different people. Maybe people feel that a differently-abled person cannot be useful to society but let me tell them that we have the potential to do equally well or even better than the so-called “normal” people.
It’s disappointing that I couldn’t join the college I wanted to. Fortunately, I got admission to Shadan Degree College for Women. The college authorities had agreed to extend all possible help to me during my stint there. They have also said that I am free to use the college lift to get to classes while I am studying there.
Through this article, I want to make people aware of the injustice happening in society and request you to stand up for the same. With my mobility curtailed, I questioned the management about my right to have infrastructural facilities. My fight led to the changes at the administrative level and ramps were sanctioned by the Osmania University to all the colleges affiliated with it.
This time, when I had to vote, I met up with the local political authorities, appealing for ramp facilities to be provided for easier access to the polling booths. My relentless efforts have earned me the title of “Ramp Fighter”. All my efforts earned me the Naveena Mahila Award given by TV9. After I complete my studies I have a dream of having my own house which I want to gift to my loved parents.