If you’re in the technology field, you probably understand the practical reasons to have a blog. An active, informative blog, after all, can bolster SEO, increase traffic, and net you some solid ROI.
But if you’re more of a tech-minded person, you may be wondering about the best way to approach something as creative and left-brained as a blog. Here are a few best practices to keep in mind as you pump up your blog.
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Be Personable, Not Promotional
Whenever you start writing for your own company blog or a third-party website, it’s easy to fall prey to promotional tendencies. You’re excited about your business and eager for your target audience to see how your product will solve their problems.
Soon, your tweets start sounding like sales collateral, and your blog posts start reading like a marketing brochure. While your intentions are good, this type of approach will turn off potential buyers and kill your chances of creating a meaningful connection.
Instead, think of your prospects as friends. That might sound a little cheesy, but it really is the best mindset for generating valuable blog content. Mull over the biggest issues your audience faces.
Are there recurring questions your customer service teams get asked? What about repeated complaints? Work to center your blog posts on addressing these hot topics. By giving your buyers the content they want, they’ll see you as a trustworthy resource and be more incentivized to buy when the time is right.
Switch It Up
One mistake many companies make when launching a blog is making it too one-dimensional. If your blog starts reading like a textbook, you’re in trouble. A great way to build intrigue is by mixing up the types of content you include. Post an interesting infographic every so often or a short synopsis of a white paper that can be downloaded if someone wants longer-form content.
Another useful form of content not to be underestimated is video. Consider this: most marketing professionals around the world name video as the type of content with the best ROI. People are hungry for visual stimulation, and video is an efficient way to educate and entertain simultaneously.
Don’t have the time or resources to hire a film crew and produce your own work? No problem. Suppose you need to turn to a site like Shutterstock to use stock video on your blog. The clips can also serve as transitions or imagery for voiceovers, depending on your needs.
Always Be Closing
As the famous line from “Glengarry Glen Ross” goes, you must remember to “always be closing,” even on your blog. Please note that this concept is different from being annoyingly promotional. The best way to close via your blog is by placing appropriate, relevant calls-to-action (CTA). At the end of a post that offers a Q&A with your CEO, for instance, insert a link to the conference where he’ll be speaking next.
In the spirit of always closing, aim to keep your blog posts tight and concise. If you expect prospects or existing customers to read entire pieces, don’t inundate or overdo them. It’s been found that the ideal length of a blog headline is six words, and the optimal length of a full post is 1,600 words.
When it comes to your tech company’s blog, stick to that adage, and start with the end in mind. Focus on your goals, and take steps toward reaching them. Avoid excessive self-promotion, vary your content, and use CTAs when fitting. Your buyers will see you as a source of value, and you’ll forge a connection with them for years to come. And what could be a better outcome for your business than that?