The gall bladder is a pear-shaped organ that lies in the upper-right section of the human body, right below our liver. This organ is responsible for the production, storage, and transportation of bile from the liver to the small intestine.
The bile is a dark green or yellowish fluid produced by the liver that aids the small intestine in the digestion of food by breaking down fats.
The gall bladder is susceptible to several diseases, most common being gall stones or Cholelithiasis, which are usually harmless and can sometimes lead to nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, pain, or inflammation.
Problems related to the gall-bladder are usually experienced on the right side or middle of the upper belly. The pain may be constant or may get worse after a heavy meal. It might feel like fullness rather than a pain in most cases.
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The Removal of gall bladder may be required under the following conditions:
- Cholecystitis: It is an inflammation of the gallbladder due to gall stones leading to infection. Common symptoms are severe pain and fever. If the infection persists, then surgery is required. Symptoms are jaundice, bloating, nausea, vomiting, and fever.
- Gallstone Pancreatitis: It leads to blockage of the pancreas duct by gallstone due to inflammation of the pancreas. This can be life-threatening and can cause severe pain in the abdomen. Evaluation by the physician is needed immediately.
- Gall Bladder Cancer: Usually rare, they cause severe abdominal pain, bloating, and fever. Due to its size, it may be undetected for a long time. Symptoms are similar to what is experienced during Cholecystitis.
Technology, efficient medical professionals, and greater accessibility of affordable surgery packages online have now made it easier to address issues related to the gall bladder.
There are three types of gall bladder removal surgery:
1. Cholecystectomy
Also known as laparoscopic cholecystectomy, it is performed using special surgical tools to make four small insertions in the abdominal wall. A tiny video camera is inserted through the area cut to detect the location of the gallbladder.
It is removed from one of these incisions.
This procedure takes a longer time to heal due to large incisions made.
In some cases, one large incision roughly four to six inches is made to remove the gall bladder. This is called an open cholecystectomy.
Nothing must be consumed 8 hours before the surgery. Allergies or sensitivity to any medicines, tape, latex, or anesthesia medicines should be declared before the procedure.
2. Cholecystostomy (Gallbladder draining):
A needle is inserted through the abdomen to decompress the gallbladder by draining out the bile. It is helpful for patients suffering from severe gallbladder problems along with other medical conditions and may not be able to withstand surgery.
This causes swelling, irritation, and pain in your liver, your gallbladder, or both.
3. Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP):
This procedure is performed when one or more gallstones migrate out of the gallbladder and enter the common bile duct that carries bile to the small intestine.
The patient needs to be conscious where an endoscope, i.e. a long tube with a camera, is passed down the throat into the stomach and into the common bile duct. If any gallstones are found, then an instrument is inserted into the endoscope to remove them. ERCP is performed in conjunction with gallbladder removal surgery. Sedatives are given to relax the patient.
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