We’ve already seen how smart technology can improve almost all aspects of our home life, and now, it’s set to revolutionize the senior living industry as well.
North Ridge Health in the US, is set to be the first senior living community to use Reemo smartwatches and communication tools to improve the quality of life for its residents. Reemo’s smartwatches track each patient’s vitals, activity levels, sleep, and location in real-time to provide information about their health and wellness throughout the day.
The tech company plans to team up with Teradata, a data warehousing and analysis company, to introduce its state-of-the-art platform into the senior living community.
Smart Care
The healthcare facility offers a continuum of care for disabled and senior adults, offering everything from simple housekeeping assistance to advanced medical services. The facility cares for a range of patients through adult day care programs, independent living options, assisted living services, and skilled nursing care. It is expected that smartwatches will improve the lives of seniors and caregivers alike, no matter what level of care they receive.
Reemo’s enhanced platform allows for early detection of potential health problems such as UTIs, saving patients both pain and frustration by allowing them to start treatments as early as possible. This type of technology also makes it easier for doctors, families, and caregivers to monitor common chronic conditions such as Parkinson’s Disease or Rheumatoid Arthritis. Tina Thomas, senior vice president of operations for Mission Health, comments:
“As we saw how technology is impacting the delivery of care in all sectors of healthcare, we were looking for a solution that could expand our abilities and create efficiencies in our community, and Reemo was just that.
“We’re looking forward to seeing how the solution’s helpful insights into patient data will increase our ability to deliver proactively, informed care to our residents. The Reemo team has been extremely helpful in making sure our team is comfortable with the new technology, and we’re thrilled to be rolling it out.”
Big Data
The data generated from using smartwatches in a senior living setting could have enormous potential implications for the senior health sector in India as well as globally. The data collected could provide a wealth of information on the causes, symptoms, and treatments of a wide variety of afflictions.
Beyond improving the senior living industry, the widespread use of smart technology in residential care communities could help the health sector to improve pharmaceutical and medical services for seniors.
Image source: Unsplash.com