How to Make Sure Your VoIP is Secure?

Is your VoIP Secure?

With all the development of VoIP-based technology and cloud computing, more and more companies are getting to VoIP-based telecommunication systems.

While on one hand, this makes the practice of communication quick and seamless, it is also imperative that adequate security measures are taken. Now the question here is how that can be secured?

There are many ways to do so, but here are some of the most pertinent and effective ways.

Setting Strong Passwords

This is one of the most basic and easier ways of securing the VoIP system. The password needs to consist of at least 16 characters, and there has to be an alphanumeric combination, consisting of a combination of alphabets, numbers, symbols, and upper and lower case letters.

It is better not to take the help of the password generators as these generators only recycle old passwords and hence, generate passwords that are all too predictable.

Frequent Backups

This is another very important step to counter situations emanating data breaches or collapse of accounts, which leads to a total loss of data. Because of this, it is highly recommended that backups and performed frequently with the help of various programs that are available on the market.

Tracking And Analyzing The Call History

With a view to avoiding frauds, it is recommended that constant tracking and tracing call history is done at short intervals. Geo limits need to be assigned for blocking fraudulent calls being made from a system.

Systems need to be monitored for checking abnormal patterns. Also, access lists need to be made so that the user can be limited to certain specific IP addresses. Thus, by monitoring and restricting access, it is possible to set up a foolproof VoIP-based communication system.

Downloading Security Software

It is also imperative to download specific security software for protecting the VoIP system. These software packages can help by running automatically in the back end and encounter any attempt of hacking the system.

Use of Firewall

Though this is one of the most underrated methods of securing the VoIP systems, this is in fact one of the most effective ones. Firewalls should be downloaded as they allow IP and VoIP access only to the predetermined IP addresses. This makes sure that the calls can only be made from authorized users.

Strategically Using Call Forwarding Rules

This helps to prevent fraudulent call routing in a great way, by restricting certain specific options of call forwarding on the VoIP phone systems.

For instance, certain specific numbers can be set for accessing call forwarding settings. In this way, the unwanted calls can be blocked. Outgoing calls can also be blocked on the basis of geographic locations.

Most importantly, strict call forwarding rules need to be put into place, and these rules need to be constantly checked and managed in order to ensure that every call that is routed and delivered is done appropriately and correctly.

Image source: BigStock

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