Blogging will come in various forms, with the subject matter being as varied as the quality of the material itself. However, a benefit of blogs can be in terms of their educational content, which you may not have thought of. They can be essential tools for improving writing skills, involvement, and excitement levels.
In particular, young people today in the age of the internet can benefit greatly from blogs. Their critical thinking and writing skills will be in continuous development, as well as having an improved understanding of how the world works.
If your student is thinking of starting a blog, you need to encourage them as much as possible, here are some reasons why.
It encourages creativity in your students
Among the major benefits of blogs is that it allows the writer to express and grow their creativity and the ways they choose to express it. This will help them change their attitude to writing, in general, they will see it as a fun and enjoyable process, even when writing a seemingly boring paper.
Being a blogger is demanding, and you have to use your creative thinking to do several tasks. These include developing original content, responding to comments and feedback from readers, express your points through pictures, themes, headers, and so on; and also solve problems through your content.
The blogging process will also allow them to combine all the things they have learned in a fun and creative way.
It sharpens the performance of the brain
The thinking of the student is among the most important benefits of creating and maintaining a blog. In fact, there are many specialists that say how much their brainpower is sharpened greatly through the process of writing, regardless of the content you specialize in.
The entire process helps you to connect the dots faster and in more efficient ways. It is important to maintain one, especially for your students. In particular, it can help them immensely when they are looking for jobs in the future, as it will make employers see they were doing something great to stay productive.
The good thing about blogging is that it can cover any subject areas the student is interested in, and they have the freedom to choose where they want it to go.
Assists in earning income
Do you know that you can actually earn a living through blogging and writing in general? In fact, the employment trend these days is that people are taking advantage of the internet’s spread to launch more work online, and you can now easily find guides on how to make money blogging.
The best part about writing is that it is a skill that never really disappears. Similar to driving skills, you will still stick with your writing abilities and lessons you have learned along the way, regardless of time passage. In addition, numerous bloggers and people will find “side work” or make writing their main income source.
If your students are interested in upgrading their blogs and making them start generating income, then you can teach them about affiliate marketing, consulting, e-commerce practices, and other income-generation activities.
It helps them promote a sense of expression for themselves
There is a major difference between the traditional learning approach and the learning approach that occurs through activities you enjoy such as writing. In the traditional sense, the audience of the student is a teacher, with other students and parents taking the other share of the audience at certain times.
If a student decides to blog on a regular basis, they can spread their work to a greater audience, as well as get feedback that is helpful.
One of the most important aspects of the blogging process is that it provides someone with a sense of purpose. In addition, the student or person is constantly motivated to give their audience great content and do their research on topics properly, something that the traditional approach does not provide extensively.
It improves their confidence levels
All bloggers tend to have something in common, they have all been positively changed through their blogging activity. This is because it has given them an outlet to be “finally understood” or “finding themselves”. Even though this may sound like it is a breakthrough in the spiritual sense, it is not the case.
What they mean, at least most of the time is that their confidence level has risen significantly. The blogging process has made them loosen up, and not be afraid to speak on what is in their minds. They will not feel any pressure to conform or maintain impossible standards, so in a sense, they have “found themselves”.
Helps to improve communication skills
Communication comes in different forms, and writing is simply one of those forms that a person can use to express themselves. If a student can write something for their blog each day, it teaches them to express their feelings and thoughts on issues every day. This also teaches them to become better at communication in the long term, due to consistent practice.
Provides a chance to create unique content
Thanks to the many blogging opportunities online, gives a student a chance to publish their thoughts as well as artifacts, which will gain visibility on social media platforms as well while protecting their content from shutdowns and unfortunate occurrences on the internet.
Since many platforms also lack long-term stability, as many of them are shut down, like the case of Wikispaces, or social media algorithms changing, such as Instagram and Facebook, a blog is a sort of “safe house”, as you can post all your work there without worrying about interference.
To ensure the work is portable, it is important to choose the platform carefully. The most popular forms include Blogger and WordPress.
Final thoughts
Blogging is a very important activity to many people, and your students can benefit from it as well in any way. Thanks to the spread of the internet, it is not difficult to begin a blog and share your thoughts on issues, so it is good to encourage your students to do the same for themselves.