The trouble with iMessage? Here is what you are doing wrong.
Let us just start from the beginning; iMessage is a fairly new technology and since it is only meant for a specific customer base, solutions to these problems are not easy to come by. This article seeks to acquaint you with tips and advice on how to rectify common hitches with iMessage.
What is an iMessage?
An iMessage is a message that is transmitted via Wi-Fi, therefore, does not incur charges by the service provider. This, however, is only available for Apple devices. A message sent will automatically identify the receiver’s Apple Id and instead of transmission through the service provider servers, it is transmitted via Apple’s servers. Check out some more information about iMessage.
This is why it is free of charge.
Most problems users encounter do not result from malfunctions but can be solved by simply configuring the Message app settings. They include;
1. Messages are not synching
Ideally, an iMessage received on your iPhone should be reflected on your iPod, iPad, and Mac computers.
One of Apple’s big selling points is its commitment to convenience; you do not travel with all these devices at once.
Follow these few simple steps to make sure all your devices are connected.
- Go to Settings
- Click on Messages
- Select on Send & Receive
- Confirm that your email address is visible at the top of the page and if this is not the case, sign in with your Apple Id.
- Select your phone number to choose where you want to start a new conversation from. All your devices are now synched!
If problems persist, disable iMessage on all devices and then re-enable it. In step 2, click on iMessage and turn it off and on.
Repeat these 5 steps on all your Apple devices you desire to sync.
2. Messages are synching
Yes! Some people actually find synching a tad annoying.
Especially if the Apple Devices are shared by kids, parents, etc. You may think that the messages you receive on your phone are private but they have already been sent to other Apple devices with a similar Id.
To ensure your private iMessages do not have an audience, follow the above steps, and simply change your password after disabling the iMessage on these other devices.
3. Incurring extra charges while using iMessage
Yes, this happens to most people. Yet iMessage is supposed to be free, right?
If you attempt to send an iMessage in an area with a poor WIFI connection, the message will go through but instead of using Apple servers, Cellular servers will be used hence charges will be incurred.
Do not put off the idea of using cellular services as you may be surprised to find that you need it. Be open to using text messaging in case of emergencies and sign up for a data plan with the service provider. To avoid these inconveniences,
- Select on Settings and tap Messages
- On the Send as Sms Option, set Off if you prefer to not have iMessages automatically converted to text with a limited internet connection.
4. Cannot send MMS/SMS to some of my devices
Text messages, calls, and MMS all require the cellular provider to go through. It is therefore impossible to receive or send texts on devices lacking cellular network capabilities. No matter the brand, speed, or technology it just can’t happen.
So if you are wondering why your 4G capable iPad cannot receive messages, this is is the reason. An iPad cannot connect to external servers.
Just use your iPhone to send SMS, an iPad only has an Apple Id and lacks a cellular contact number.
5. Cannot receive iMessages and texts
Did you change your phone? If yes, then the reason why you may not be receiving text messages is you did not sign out from your previous account. You have to deregister from this account.
Disabling messages on your phone with the intention of receiving them as SMS will not work. It will just block iMessages from other iPhone users.
6. Cannot update iMessage Apps
The beauty of this version of iMessaging is all it has to offer in terms of visuals and sound. Updates should be made whenever possible. Contact the Apple store if you have trouble accessing these services.
7. Changed phones but cannot access my iMessages
You had an Apple Id and now you are having problems accessing iMessage on your new device? iMessage is only for Apple devices as it uses the Apple servers.
If you wish to use this service so as to communicate with your friends, you will have to recover your device or use SMS.
8. Is it possible to receive and read SMS messages using my MAC
With modern versions, Yes! It is possible.
- Sign in to your account on your iPhone
- Start the setup of iMessage MAC
- Open the messages tab which is just adjacent to the Apple logo
- Select references after which several options will open
- Accounts will appear with the option to sign in if you have not yet signed in, enter your password and Apple Id
- Check the Enable this Account box and ensure your phone number is visible under the place requiring you to provide the number
- If your number does not appear confirm that you signed in.
Should this fail, repeat the steps above and just disable and re-enable the iMessage feature on the iPad and Mac and try signing in with your Apple Id and Password. The only prerequisite is that that the Mac should be using OS X 10.10 Yosemite and IphoneiOS 8.1
- Enable the Sms Forwarding to enable the transfer of text messages to the Mac from iPhone for this feature to work, the phone and iPad should use at least iOS software 8.1 and good internet connectivity.
- Go to Settings and select Messages then Message forwarding option This will only be possible if the devices connected via a single Wi-Fi network and compatible
- Slide the Text Messaging option to the on position
- Input the code requested, the code will come automatically via text message.
Problem Solved!