Wine tasting is one of the privileges that you as a consumer have luckily got before purchasing one. During this time, give yourself a chance to make an excellent decision by knowing what could be things you need to do and not to do before tasting a glass of wine.
Do remember that you will be checking various tastes of wine, so better prepare yourself for the possibilities. Allow yourself to seize the taste without compensating for the decision you will take.
Regardless of the reason that you are taking a check with tasting different wines, observe proper conduct for you to be professionally dealing with the drink you are sipping. Although others are inclined to culinary use that’s why they assess first wines, others are for their own regular daily use basis, or even for occasional usage.
So if you are going on your first wine-tasting journey, probably, you might get intimidated. But, here is the compilation of the etiquette that surely gives you the best and most comfortable experience upon wine tasting.
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What are the Dos in wine tasting?
1. Do taste a wine with a group.
Aside from the fact that the wine tastes good whenever you are in your comfortable company, it is a big yes that you should not only be sipping a glass of wine alone.
It is because if the group of people will be talking all together with the wine since you have different taste buds, there are higher chances that one among all of you will be speaking out their thoughts after taking a sip.
2. Do control yourself from wine consumption.
Remember that you will be tasting a different set of wines, make sure that you are not going to consume more than enough. The idea is not to have more than two glasses within your first booth to stop.
With that, it is saying at the same time, that you should not fill your stomach with one wine alone. The point here is, upon getting to the first stop; take a sip with more than two up to three.
3. Do swirl the wine before tasting.
Aside from the taste, you need to check also if there is a pleasing aroma that the wine has. By swirling the glass of wine you are holding, you can probably check if the wine’s aroma rises from the glass.
Through this, you will know that it is right in the sense of smelling or it is entirely unpleasing. Your personal experience with the wine could also be connected with the possible knowledge of other people. So take it as part of the priorities.
4. Do politeness to spill out a wine.
There are chances that you will be encountering a colleague that does not like the taste of the wine they have tasted. If they wish to spit out their wine, allow them without probing questions or commentary about the wine they have felt.
It is already apparent why they wanted to spit it out, do not bother asking. Also, do not request to finish their glass of wine after recovery. Even, if you wanted to spill out wine, feel free because not all taste buds suit the flavor of the drink.
What are the Don’ts in wine tasting?
1. Do not come on wine tasting with an empty stomach
It is already suggested that before tasting wines, the person should have started consuming a substantial breakfast or lunch. It is because sipping wine on an empty stomach will increase the alcohol effect.
As a result, it will affect your performance in determining which of the following most likely passed your taste buds. However, if ever you are not a heavy eater, even carrying a small pack of snacks can be of great help still. Just make sure that your stomach is not empty.
2. Do not use strong perfumes.
Since smell is part of the priorities in checking out the wine you have wanted to get, make sure that you will not be a hindrance in getting the wrong decision of picking a wine to buy.
It was mentioned above that there is a distinct aroma of wine. So, if you will be using strong perfumes, it will just overpower your wine-tasting experience.
3. Do not ask for a refill
It is quite awkward that you will be asking for a refill after one glass of wine is being served already. You are there to taste the wine that the booth is offering, not getting drunk. One drink is more than enough for wine tasting already. If you will be asking for more, it is another purpose to tell.
That is why reserve yourself for the possible impression that other people may get on you whenever you are asking for another glass of their wine.
4. Do not turn into side conversations when your wine is served.
It is for professional purposes. It is rude to take within your colleagues while the wine glass is served in front of you. There is plenty of time in making good conversation for socialization after the glass of wine is served.
Pay attention first to the server because they may be primary topics that are related to the wine you will be drinking. Giving them their time to do that will increase your knowledge about their product, and at the same time, you would get to know firsthand information from the product representative.
Within the duration of wine tasting, always take note of how the other wine tastes like other wine. Yes. Comparing is one of the possible outcomes of your wine tasting. Do not get worried about that because it is normal.
You can air out what is in your mind just as long as you will open up and suggest it professionally. Also, if you have tasted well enough, do not forget to pick the top 10 until you get ranked 1 of your more desired drink. Thus, take note already of the Domaine de la Romanee Conti because it will be part of your listing after wine tasting.
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