Why SEO Still Works in 2020

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Why SEO still works in 2020? This is a question that you are likely to ask at some point in the future.

There are plenty of things that will change in the world of online marketing in the next decade, but if we take a look at the reasons, why SEO still works and what else is going to change, it might help to shed some light on what is happening in the world of online marketing.

To start with, major changes are going to be seen across all the different facets of the internet. Changes in the way search engines work, search engines that do not work as effectively, and the way of how content is published on the internet, will all continue to be important and also have an impact on SEO.

Adapt To New Types of Information

First of all, search engines will continue to change and adapt to the needs of their users. It is predicted that major changes will be made to Google because their algorithms are constantly changing and they will need to adapt to new types of information so that they can offer quality services to their users.

Importance Of Content On Web Pages Cannot Be Denied

Content on web pages is very important, but it is also important to the visitor to the page, because this user has the right to see as much of the content as possible. If the content is not there, then the visitor will turn around and find something else to look at, which could mean that the website does not convert well.

Index and Rank Websites According To The Most Relevant Websites

The way search engines work now is that they index and rank websites according to how relevant their content is to the title of the website and to the keywords used on the website.

All of this takes place automatically and without human intervention, but there is still much that can be done to improve the way these engines work and ultimately, to make sure that they rank the most relevant websites.

Changing Dynamics of the Search Engine

Another change that is predicted to take place in the next decade is that the changing dynamics of the search engines will cause many websites to make the switch to one type of content instead of using the more popular combination of both. These websites will be focused on text-based websites.

Continue To Focus On The Effectiveness of the Content

Many SEO experts will also argue that the most important reason why SEO still works in 2020 is because of the fact that search engines will continue to focus on the effectiveness of content. People who create content will be given higher rankings in the search engines’ eyes, which will then give them more chances of finding the results they want to get.

Websites Will Be Competing For Traffic

This means that SEO still works because websites will be competing for traffic. If they don’t have the right content, they will be missing out on many opportunities that they could have if they were targeting the right keywords and writing their content correctly.

Search Engines Determine Relevance

The way how search engines determine relevance is by looking at where the link flows in the source code. In other words, if two websites are linked to each other, the link from the website with the bigger number of links has more importance than the link from the website with fewer links.

This means that the more website owners work together to produce content and to place relevant keywords on their websites, the better for the search engines. The search engines will need to see that both websites have the same quality of content, which is important if the websites want to remain relevant and also need to get relevant traffic in order to convert well.


These are just a few of the ways that SEO is still working today. The search engines are adapting and moving forward in order to make sure that they continue to have high-quality services and to keep themselves at the forefront of the marketing world.

Of course, everything changes and there will be new developments in the way the internet works in the next decade, but the important thing to remember is that SEO still works. There will be changes in how the search engines work, but in the end, it will be the quality of the websites and the content on those websites that make them successful.

Image source: Freepik Premium

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