Affiliate Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide

Affiliate marketing strategies to consider

Affiliate marketing is performance-based marketing in which a company or a business firm offers rewards for bringing visitors or customers and promoting their products. It is a process through which a person can earn a commission on the basis of their performance in promoting and selling the product.

Some of the most prominent websites that use this strategy of marketing include Amazon, eBay, Flipkart, and so on. According to the source, 8 out of 10 companies use affiliate marketing techniques for their product promotions, which makes about 81% of the entire product business world.

Becoming a product affiliate is indeed profitable and can help in bringing extra money. However, this job can be difficult if one does not know about the right ways and steps to become a marketing affiliate. In this article, we talk about essential steps that can prove helpful to beginners for affiliate marketing.

However, before that, let’s have a look at the importance and benefits of affiliate marketing in a little detailed way.

Benefits of affiliate marketing for beginners?

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways of making money. A person can earn a lot of money based on the techniques and strategies used to promote a product. The more you promote the product, the more you earn. 

Moreover, you can also become famous if you succeed in gaining a huge audience. Affiliate marketing is also helpful in building confidence and reputation. Affiliate marketing, if done right, is a reliable source of full-time income as well.

The affiliate marketing business is usually based on commission. Moreover, affiliate marketing is something that you can do from your home without leaving your own comfort zone. 

There are a lot of examples of people who have earned thousands of money from affiliate marketing. According to a popular source, Groupon is the most famous and very successful company which is based on affiliate commissions and has made huge profits from the affiliate marketing world.

11 Tips to do Affiliate Marketing for Beginners?

To enter into the world of affiliate marketing, you have to follow the simple and easy steps. If you are interested in knowing more about it, read the points explained below:

1. Review Products Online

There are a number of e-commerce platforms on the internet. All you have to do is to leave eye-catching reviews, which will help you grab the attention of other customers and the company.

Only familiar products: Write reviews only on those products with which you are familiar and have used in the past. People are very quick with pointing out fake comments, and in order to be real, you need to write about those products which you have used personally.

E.g., you can review different products on Amazon by creating a personal website such as here: Kitchenarena. You will find different types of kitchen-related product reviews here.

2. Apply for different networks and programs

Apply for different affiliate networks and programs and try to contact as many companies as possible. From the most significant firms to start-up businesses, most of them search for, and therefore, it is crucial for you to make them aware of your presence. 

Web Publishers

You can also opt for web publishers to post ads. According to the source, 84% of publishers leverage the power of affiliate marketing, and you can increase your chances of becoming an affiliate by contacting them.

E.g., Amazon Affiliate is the program with the highest number of people applying to different programs.

3. Build an audience

It is vital for an affiliate to build a huge audience who is ready to listen and follow their advice regarding a product. Also, by having an audience, companies will bring more offers to you.

There are various ways to increase your audience, and the most common and popular method is social media. Use social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and so on to gain followers so which you can promote the products. Use various messaging groups for obtaining an audience, among which you can promote the product.

E.g., you would have seen different people promoting the products of Oriflame on different channels like FB, Instagram, etc.

4. Come up with new ideas

Another critical step of affiliate marketing is to try to be different and come up with new ideas for the product you are promoting or want to promote.

Companies are always interested in new ideas and innovations, and an exciting and new strategy of promoting products can help you gain the attention of the biggest e-commerce websites. Also, if you have ideas to promote in the field of fashion, then you are in luck, as fashion is the most popular affiliate marketing category.

5. Live presentations

Another way to catch the attention of the audience, as well as the different companies, is by doing live presentations. You can easily create live sessions and promote your product through a presentation to give a proper review to the audience.

Live Q&A session is available to get the actual and real feedback of the audience. This will help you in enhancing the product’s services and expand your business.

You can also upload videos on various video content channels like YouTube and increase the number of audiences and offers from companies.

6. Look out for competitors

Always keep an eye on your competitor’s lookout for the various ways and strategies they are choosing to promote a product.

Avoid copying their strategies, but instead, try to bring some influence to come up with an even better technique. The better the strategy of promotion, the better the response from the audience and companies.

Coming up with different strategies and ideas for promotion can indeed be a difficult task, but if done in the right ways, they can bring lots of benefits. On the basis of the source, around 35% of affiliates earn over $20,000 per annum or more.

E.g., Taking the example Kitchenarena, its content creators keep an eye on all its competitors, such as Homezene.

7. Always Stay Updated

Affiliate marketing is a dynamic world that has various changes and differences occurring on almost a daily basis. Therefore, you have to stay updated with the launch and release of nearly every new product that falls under the category you are promoting.

If you can’t have a hold on various products, at least stay updated with the most popular and famous ones and always try to be the first one to promote the product in front of your audience. The more new updates you will come up with, the more new audience you will gain.

E.g.: For the owner of Kitchenarena, it is necessary to check the strategies and updates of different sites, such as Homezene, regularly.

8. Build a Site

Building a site is no more complicated. There are various options available for you to get your own website style. One of the best options for building a site for affiliate marketing for beginners is WordPress.

By building your own site, you can not only have access to a greater audience and companies, but you can also have a personalized space for promoting the products, and you can build your content in your own space.

9. Banner Ads

Put up banner ads to promote a product and increase your reputation as an affiliate. Try to put up these banners on higher traffic pages to gain more attention from the viewers. 

Make sure to place these banner ads in the right location. Suppose, if you are promoting a hair oil product, try to publish its banner ad on a page that writes about hair problems. Publishing the banner in the right location can work wonders in gaining more visitors and customers.

E.g.: You can check the NBA’s website to check the banner ads about different products from different websites, on the homepage after the top header.

10. Giveaways

Giveaway is currently the most trending strategy for promoting products online. Just like the name suggests, in the giveaway technique, you have to give a product for free in return for the deal you kept.

For example, suppose you are promoting a specific shoe brand. You can use the giveaway technique and make offers, saying one lucky winner will get a pair of shoes for free by following your page and liking all the posts.

11. Seek the help of peers

You can always increase your influence on products by seeking the help of your peers and other relatives. 

For example, you can use the chain technique and create a messaging group with all of them and ask them to add their knowns as well. You can continue this process and form a more extensive network of audiences, among which you can promote the product.

Final Note

So, these were the crucial steps for joining affiliate marketing programs for beginners. The affiliate marketing field is very beneficial and can bring huge profits if the promotion of the product is done right. The world has a lot of opportunities to grab and make a run for.

You can earn more and more commission on the basis of your performance. In order to give the best performance, make sure that you follow all the steps mentioned above and make a place for yourself in the affiliate marketing world.

Affiliate Marketing 101: The ultimate beginners guide for 2020
A step-by-step guide to becoming successful in Affiliate Marketing

Image source: Freepik Premium

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