There are lots of tools, features, and Instagram analytics that will help you gain better results from your social media marketing campaign.
With these analytical tools, you will not only be able to assess your marketing results and where you stand but you can also formulate the best ways to use this platform in a much better way to gain far better results.
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Manage your Instagram Settings
All you have to do is to manage your Instagram settings for that matter. Start by reviewing your account settings.
For this you will need to:
- Click on the three stacked lines located at the upper right-hand corner of your profile
- Click on Settings next at the bottom of the window where you will see a number of choices under your username
- Do what you want to do such as changing your password in your settings or enabling notifications or seeing posts that you like.
In addition to that, there are a few specific things that you should check out right away.
These are:
- Story Settings: This is where you are able to see who can see and reply to your Instagram Stories though it is recommended that you allow all your Instagram followers to see and reply to your Stories. This will help you to increase brand engagement as well as traffic to your website.
- Business Profile: You must ideally switch to Business Profile if you want to make the best use of your social media marketing campaign. This will allow you to detect your profile as a business profile. You can use the Instagram Business Tools feature to make things easier for you as well as for your users to contact you. This will help you to gain valuable and in-depth insights about your users as well as allow you to promote your content in a better way.
- Facebook page: You must, however, make sure that your business has a Facebook business page so that you can switch to an Instagram business profile. Once done, you are ready to make the switch. For this, you must choose the setting, log onto Facebook, and allow Instagram to manage your pages.
- Facebook page admin: To select a Facebook Page to connect to your Instagram profile you will need first to be a Facebook page admin. This will help you to make such a connection between the two platforms. When you do so, Instagram will import pertinent information automatically from your Facebook page so that you can edit it as you need it. You will then have a perfect Instagram business profile. Just make sure that you check your profile insights out as well as the account settings for that matter.
- Private Account: This is where you can make the change in your profile from public to private. As you set up an account, Instagram will set your profile to the public automatically though and you are recommended by experts like StormLikes and others that you do not change it. If you want to gain maximum results from your social marketing campaigns it is better that you allow all your users to see your posts so that they can follow your business without any difficulties.
- Comments: This is an important feature of Instagram that will allow you to hide comments with a specific phrase or keyword. In order to do this, you will first have to enter the specific keywords and phrases into the Instagram settings and then turn the feature on. This will prevent your account from receiving any specific comments that may go against your reputation, or brand value or even offend your audience.
- Adding supplementary Instagram accounts: Instagram allows you to add up to five additional accounts. You do not have to log in or log out to make a switch between these five additional accounts. This is an important feature that will allow you to have multiple users logged into any specific account of yours at one time. When you want to add any account simply click on the Add Account and enter the username and password of the particular account you like to add. When you want to switch between two accounts you will need to go to your profile, tap the username at the top of the screen and select the account you like to switch to.
All these easy steps and useful features of Instagram will help you to make the best use of the platform and its analytics to gain the maximum from your social media marketing efforts.
Tag brands
If you want more from your Instagram platform and analytics to gain more from your social media marketing campaign there are a few other things that you can do. One such thing is to tag brands in your posts if you want both your users as well as other businesses to benefit from a partnership with you.
For this first you will have to make sure of a few things such as making sure that you have:
- Defined your brand
- Identified your target audience
- Created high-quality content
- Selected authentic images to post and
- A pretty good idea of the type of businesses you want to make a partnership with.
At this point, it is also important for you to remember to start small and therefore try focusing on tagging small start-ups first that you may have already seen across Instagram. Also, make sure that the image is of high quality and fits well with your brand to tag them in your descriptions.
Include contact information
Last but not least, do not forget to include contact information in your bio. This is because your bio is the only chance to signal to specific brands and show your interest in becoming an influencer. You may include a website or an email through which these brands can reach you. You may also add a press kit if possible.
Make sure with your efforts and activities that the brands have no doubt that you are willing and open to partnering and doing business with them.
Image source: Freepik Premium