Upcoming logo design trends you need to keep your eye on

Creative team designing logo

In the age of social media, a logo has become an important factor in brand visibility. Choosing the right logo for your brand is something that requires time and effort.

A business logo has to be simple, yet convey the ethos of the brand effectively. It should be distinct and timeless, but still consistent with the latest graphic design trends.

Designing a logo that meets varied expectations is no walk in the park. To help businesses prepare for the upcoming years, we have compiled a list of the most influential logo design trends that brands should look out for in the coming years.

There has been a slight change in approach to logo design, as you shall see, and recognizing this change is an active part of your growth as a brand.

Before we begin discussing the upcoming logo design trends, it is important to give you an idea of what inspired these trends and why businesses need to keep an eye on these design approaches in the years to come.

A study conducted in 2015 by the Statistic Brain Research Institute, where they surveyed 2,000 people and monitored their brain activity, found that the average human attention span has sharply declined over the years.

The average human span, which was once 12 seconds, had reduced to 8 seconds in 2015. This has made marketers think about their marketing strategies and how they reach out to customers.

When a user visits a brand’s website, the first thing they see is the logo. It is the visual identity of the business and business owners are always looking for innovations to improve the connection between the company and the ever-changing behavior of the audience.

In light of past trends, the changing business landscape, and consumer behavior, it isn’t tough to predict how logo design will look in the future.

This blog presents the future logo design trends and why businesses need to look for custom logo design services to stay on top of these trends.

Form simplification:

One of the main logo design trends of the 21st century designs simplification and minimalism and the trend is not going to fade anytime soon. There is a tendency to discard additional jewelry and opt for lighter visual aesthetics. Most of people now prefer to simplify by either making the old logo easier or designing a new one from scratch.

Uber serves as a striking example. In the process to rebrand, they simplified the look of their logo, and it worked. So, if you do not have any idea what to do with your logo, just make it clean and minimalistic because this trend is not going to die for a long time.

Bright colors:

Bright colors continue to enjoy center stage when it comes to logo design, and the trend is expected to continue in the upcoming years. Colors are considered to have a deep psychological impact and are often used to influence or persuade people.

A study conducted to examine the effect of color on sales revealed that 92.6 percent surveyed by the Institute of Color Research said that color was an important factor when purchasing a product.

Bright colors are already used frequently by businesses, and it is going to be the next big trend in the coming years.

Artistic logo design:

Many designers will be able to express their artistic souls as artistic logos and illustrations will be among the top future trends. Artistic logos influence the brain in terms of relaxation and convey the feeling that customers feel will get when they use the product. Even with artistic logo designs, there are some rules that designers need to keep in mind.

The logo should be easily readable, and it should convey the message of the brand. Make sure to use the right colors because the choice of colors is essential in terms of the meaning they convey. It is also essential to be mindful of specific brand requirements in terms of design and style.

A picture can speak a thousand words for itself. This might be a risky option for new businesses, but with proper marketing, things can work out fine. In today’s context, when people don’t have much time, a single-image logo seems a rational option. Text in logos can take away precious time.

Think of Apple, Nike, and Instagram. Besides being famous companies, they all have succeeded with single-image logos, and there is no reason why your brand shouldn’t.

Multi-dimensional logos:

Similar to other fields, the advent of 3D printers will also bring about a change in the way we design logos. The typical 2D logos will soon be replaced by 3D logos, and soon 3D and even 4D will appear as standard designs.

Illustration replacing letters:

Today, emojis have increasingly replaced text-based conversations. It does not come as a surprise that designers are trying to adopt a similar concept in logo design.

In the coming years, we will see logos incorporating illustrations as part of the design. More and more businesses will try to adopt a forward-thinking, illustrated logo that feels modern and up-to-date.

However, businesses need to adopt this trend with some caution. To build customer loyalty, businesses shall make sure that the illustrations do not make the brand’s name unreadable. Otherwise, the logo won’t serve its purpose if customers do not understand it.

Final thoughts:

Some popular logo design trends might have escaped our attention, but these are some of the hottest trends that you need to look out for in the coming years. Multi-dimensional, minimalist, illustration and animation-based logos will define the outlook of future logo designs.

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