When it comes to choosing a home office set-up or gaming rig, you are faced with two options when it comes to monitors. You can either go for an UltraWide monitor or you can opt for a dual-screen setup. With both offering an array of benefits, which one do you choose?
Here, we’re going to help you figure out which one will be best for you.
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UltraWide Monitors
UltraWide monitors are the latest innovation in office and gaming screens, and their wide-screen gives you an amazing field of vision. UltraWide monitors have an additional one third screen size over their traditional counterparts.
Dual Screen
Dual screen setups are exactly what it says on the tin. You have two screens running from the same computer where you can have different items on each screen.
Some people use them as one screen, so you can have one item showing across both. Or you can have them working as two separate screens, so you can move items to make sure you can see everything you are working on.
UltraWide For Gaming
When it comes to gaming, UltraWide monitors can offer you a more immersive gaming experience than the dual-screen setup. Not only do you have a wider field of vision, but you also don’t have the bracket in the middle that is holding both the screens in place.
This means that you don’t lose any vital time in the middle when you are switching between which screen to watch. If you have a small gaming desk, having an UltraWide monitor can also save you space. You won’t have to deal with excess cables, and you won’t have to deal with the middle bracket that holds up the two screens. All in all, this results in a more comfortable and cleaner gaming station.
Dual Screen For Gaming
The dual-screen used to be the traditional setup for gaming and it does still have its benefits. If you can’t justify paying out for a new UltraWide monitor, you can simply buy another standard size and all it to the monitor you already have.
You can also customize the set-up more in terms of screen angle, making sure you can get the best gameplay possible. This is also a cheaper option than buying a new ultra-wide monitor, standard-sized monitors are still cheaper than ultra-wide. To learn more about the benefits of ultra-wide monitors, you can go to VSS Monitoring.
Ultra-Wide For Home Working
With so many of us now having to do homework, it is no wonder people are looking to make their home offices are more comfortable. The beauty of UltraWide is that you no longer drag and drop between screens and select which one is your primary screen.
The UltraWide lends itself to ease of use, as you can easily access everything you are working on without having to minimize any programs. If you are creative, you can also enlarge what you are working on to make sure you can see the detail.
The operation is far smoother than a dual-screen set-up, but you can lose space if you have two big single monitors linked up to a dual system. You will also save space; you won’t be doubling up cables and you’ll find that your desk is easier to keep clean.
Ultrawide For Gaming
If you are looking for a new monitor for your gaming set-up, then ultra-wide will be the way to go. Previously, games weren’t developed for this type of monitor but now it is standard practice.
You would have had to spend time adjusting your PC configuration to make sure that your desktop system could support it. Now ultrawide is adopted as the standard within the gaming industry, so much so in fact, that most games are now launched ultra-wide.
Which One?
Both have their pro’s and cons and you can get bigger screen setups with a dual system than ultra-wide. However, the technological developments in ultra-wide tech give you a seamless experience, whether you are working or gaming. You also no longer have to deal with the middle stand that holds two screens up, as well as dealing with two sets of cables.
Final thoughts
When it comes to ultrawide vs. dual screen, a lot of it comes down to personal preference; however, if you have found yourself home working, then an ultra-wide monitor may be a good option for you.
You can fit more on the screen, and as they are new technology, the quality of the image is fantastic. This also applies to gaming; games are now launched ultrawide as a standard, so why not capitalize on this new technology?
Image source: Freepik Premium