Foolproof SEO: How Tracking Helps Digital Marketer?

Digital marketing and SEO

Whenever a digital marketer pulls off a campaign to promote a product or a brand, every client expects to know what figures it’s bearing. Were the numbers a success or a failure?

The world of SEO is no exception. Below, you’ll learn about how tracking and measuring SEO helps digital marketers survive through this never-ending struggle.

Bounce Rate

The bounce rate is the percentage of users who enter one of your pages and close the tab without navigating within your site. A high bounce rate can mean two things: a negative or a positive.

In the first case, your content did not solve the problem or arouse the user’s interest in browsing further. In the second, the user found what he needed and did not need to search for more information to answer his question.

In other words, a high bounce rate is not always alarming. A digital marketer tracks this data to determine the average time per session on each page.

SEO Traffic

Every SEO audit includes a track of all the organic traffic that Google identifies in Google Analytics. It is essential to control and record the traffic that we manage to capture each month. Let’s say a company looks for an authentic and reliable traffic tracking tool for its website.

A comprehensive report generation must be the ultimate goal. For instance, the Semrush web traffic tracking tool gives insights for visitor count, accessibility medium, track visit origination, audience overlap, and much more lucrative SEO information. Those marketers who find their goals aligned with these remarkable features use this tool to check website traffic.

This analysis helps establish a historical comparison with the previous year to see how fast you are growing. SEO traffic includes both potential customers and non-transactional visitors who need information. Tracking helps identify the trends, which helps distinguish the type of traffic you are capturing. You also get real-time information about the URLs that receive the most traffic.

Average Time Per Session

Every digital marketer wants to see this number as high as possible. A low average time is acceptable if your content is short. It means that your users read your article or saw your video.

If your content is long, like an article over a thousand words, you want the average time to be at least 5 minutes. Otherwise, you are not meeting your reader’s expectations and that, of course, is not a good sign. Also, having people stay on your page longer communicates to Google that your website is relevant. As a result, its position will improve in the SERP.


Pogo-sticking is something that many often confuse with the bounce rate. It happens when someone enters a result and immediately returns to Google to change the option.

What does this tell the marketer? It infers that the available information is not useful and, instead, scares people away. What will happen to the page? Google will re-evaluate the position you have and possibly lower it later. User behavior is vital to search engines, and all SEO campaigns must have it in the equation. It is essential to:

  • Guarantee the best possible user experience
  • Make your content friendly to the readers and adaptable to different devices
  • Make sure your texts are easy to comprehend by humans, rather than computers

Number of New Users

It is not easy to have 5,000 new users on your site every day, as the regular 5,000 users are the ones who always feed your statistics. The second scenario is not particularly bad, but we all want as many people as possible to be the recipients of our messages.

In the Audience section of Google Analytics, digital marketers can track how many new users they have had in an X time range.

CTR – Click-through Rate

The CTR is the percentage of clicks you receive for the impressions you get through Google results. It is worth nothing to appear a thousand times on Google if you do not receive a click on any of those. Of course, the first step is to have a good positioning to maximize the chances that someone will find you and then enter your site.

However, the more pages you have, the lower your CTR. It seems illogical, but it is so. It is because competitiveness is proportional to the number of pages. Each has at least ten rivals with similar information. The truth is, there are no exact numbers to determine how good a CTR is. It all depends on the queries generating the clicks and the reasons you appear among the results.

Differentiating your campaign is essential for improving your CTR. And how do you do that? With the use of attractive title tags and meta tags, which will allow you to capture the attention of your audience and shout: ‘Here! Here we have the solution to your problem!’

The meta tags are not a factor in positioning. However, these texts fulfill an advertising copy’s function since they invite users to click on your page.

Digital marketers can use them to describe what’s on the site, so users will know why it’s the best fit for them. Also, marketers get the most out of Search Console. By seeing how people are getting your articles or pages, you can change your website’s content to match those words.

For example, if your post’s title tag is “best brownie recipes, but the query with the best CTR for the page is how to make brownies fast, don’t be afraid to change that title tag! The result will be in your favor.”

If what you have in your content matches the way people search for it, you will rise in position on the results page. Let’s remember that Google, in that sense, is still a robot that follows words. We also recommend doing keyword research before making these adjustments.


Keeping track of the latest keywords helps you identify the best keywords for your business. Gaining visibility with those keywords attracts potential customers who want to purchase your products or services. Core keywords are fundamental to your campaign, while secondary and long-tail keywords allow better positioning.

It is essential to monitor the ranking of positions for which our website appears for each keyword. A correct control allows us to see the evolution pattern that we have for each concept. Most people use a tool that takes care of this management, such as Semrush or Rank Tracker. A digital marketer continually tracks the performance of each keyword and modifies the strategy accordingly.

Conversion and User Experience

Conversions are the fundamental KPI of any campaign and the goal of most campaigns. Every SEO campaign expects a certain number of it. Google Analytics is a great way to track conversions.

After identifying the best-performing URLs, a digital marketer improves those URLs’ user experience to get the most out of the traffic. Here are some of the most important parameters to track:

  • Visits by organic traffic
  • Number of page views per session
  • Session time and CTR
  • Bounce Rate
  • Output percentage


If you got this far, you are indeed very clear about the importance of tracking SEO statistics. It guides you to identify what is working and what is not. You can only improve if you know where you stand. It’s no different when it comes to SEO. One of the essential functions of any SEO campaign is knowing how to track the results correctly.

Competitive analysis is only possible through efficient tracking and using the right tracking tools. A digital marketer must always interpret and cross-verify every bit of information to avoid losing track. We explain how it works, what you can measure, how you can use the results to increase your visibility.

Image source: Freepik Premium

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