Reasons why you are not getting any traffic to your blog?

increase blog traffic

Are you struggling with low traffic on your blog? Well, you are not alone. Thousands of bloggers constantly fight the battle to increase blog traffic. And a lot of them fail.

In fact, even I struggled initially after launching WittySparks to increase blog traffic. But over time, I adapted to the changing norms and optimized my strategies, and the results were terrific.

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In this detailed guide, I will help you identify reasons why you are not getting traffic to your blog. It will help you better optimize your content marketing strategies to increase blog traffic.

But let me make it very clear in the beginning. There is no “Magic Trick” to increase blog traffic organically overnight. You will need a lot of patience, consistency, and dedication to achieve success.

So, let’s delve deeper into the shackles holding your blog’s traffic from exploding!

You are writing for the sake of it

This is where it all begins…

A lot of bloggers create blogs because they have read somewhere that it’s a significant revenue & lead generation machine. They read about how a particular blogger grew their revenue exponentially by writing on a popular topic & they start churning out blogs, mimicking them.

But this is a mistake. Today, Google’s Search Bots have evolved beyond our imaginations. Powered by cutting-edge AI, these bots can identify what content is original, helpful & addresses the needs of a reader. Especially after Google’s September update, only those websites having “Helpful Content” will survive.

So, instead of writing just for the sake of it, you need to identify the niche that interests you and you have expertise. Picking up such a niche will ensure you write what motivates you & what’s really helpful to the readers. Writing such helpful Content will place you in the “Good Books” of Google Bots & they will rank your website higher, resulting in increased blog traffic.

The initial SEO setup is not that strong enough.

It would help if you had a robust initial setup to increase blog traffic. This is where a lot of bloggers make mistakes. Here are some of the most common ones.

You are ignoring On-page SEO.

On-page SEO is the process of optimizing your website’s each page or blog to improve its chances of ranking higher. It includes optimizing all the visual & written content on your website. It is a vital part of any SEO strategy. Ignore it & your website’s traffic is as good as dead.

On-page SEO factors include Formatting Content on the Page, Image URL Optimization, Internal Linking, Core Web Vitals, Mobile Friendliness Content Audit, Sitemaps, External Links Protocols, HTTP vs HTTPS Comments & Search Intent.

You are ignoring Off-page SEO

While On-page SEO is all about optimizing what’s visible on your website, Off-page SEO focuses more on building the online & offline reputation of your website. SEO specialists deploy multiple strategies, including using quality content, building relationships & most notably, building links (I will explain this in detail ahead).

This offers a terrific search experience to Google’s crawlers & site visitors alike. The better experience both of them have, the more likely your website is to rank higher.

Off-page SEO is probably the most ignored part of SEO strategies deployed by website owners & SEO experts. And that’s why a lot of websites suffer from low-volume traffic.

Without effective Off-page SEO strategies, all your hard work on On-page SEO will go down the drain.

Unfortunately, Off-page SEO is probably the most ignored part of SEO strategies deployed by website owners & SEO experts. And that’s why a lot of bloggers are unable to increase blog traffic.

You are not framing click-worthy Meta titles.

According to, the most significant SEO community swears that Meta Titles are one of the most critical factors for improving ranking on Google. Meta titles offer a short description of an HTML or XHTML document (in this case, a webpage).

Although Google’s official stance is Meta Titles do not impact your website’s ranking, they do indeed offer better insight to your visitors on the page they are about to visit.

Catchy Meta Titles can significantly boost your CTR (Click through Rate). The higher CTR you have, the more your Google Ranking improves.

So if you’re not crafting Catchy & Click-worthy Meta titles, you are making a big mistake. Note: Make sure your titles are “Clickworthy” & not “Click baits”! Using Clickbates can reward you initially, but in the long run, you will undoubtedly face the ire of Google & poor ranking.

You are not framing a Crisp & Informative Meta description

A Crisp & summarized meta–description of your webpage, with necessary keywords, is critical. It offers your potential visitors a clear insight into what they can expect from your webpage. Google also sometimes uses Meta descriptions in the Search Snippets.

So if you are not creating an attractive Meta Description, you are losing significant traffic on your website.

Long or short meta-description issues

Ideally, the Meta description’s length should be 150 to 160 characters. Although Google recommends no fixed standard, this long meta description is only visible on Google snippets.

So it is essential to utilize this character length wisely to accommodate all the information about your page without missing any information. If your Meta description is too short, it won’t convey clear information & if your meta description is too long, Google will slash it down.

So it is better to stick with this character length for better meta-description visibility.

I generally use Mangools or Surfer SEO to optimize my SEO strategies better & increase blog traffic.  

Poor Content

Content is the soul of your blog/website. That’s the reason why Bill Gates famously quoted in 1998, “Content is King,” & for the right reasons. People visit your website to gain valuable information. And the only way you can offer it to them is by crafting top-rated content.

A lot of websites & blogs suffer from lower traffic due to the Poor Quality Content on their website. Instead of creating content that inspires & carries some value, people craft Content just for the sake of it.

Here are the most common content-related mistakes that website owners make (and you should avoid!)

1. E-A-T is missing

Often taunted as the most critical factor in Content, E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness & Trustworthiness. Without EAT, Google will rank your website poorly.

Let’s understand its importance:


Expertise is what it means, the expertise of the author of the page or blog. Is that individual an expert in the field? Do they have some meaningful & reliable information that can help a reader? Do they have any valid credentials to support their information? If not, readers won’t trust the Content & Google will negatively rank that Content.



When readers know about the content creators & recognize the importance of the information offered by them, they treat the creators as industry leaders. Readers value their Content & this gives the creator authority over the readers. This is vital for creating a better repo with Google bots.


trust min

Trustworthiness refers to the trust driven by the Content, creator, & the website itself. You wouldn’t want to believe what a random content creator has to say on a random website, right? So building Trustworthiness is a must for creating better content.

2. Search intent is not addressed.

People do not want to read what you have to say. They want answers to their questions, as Google has become an answering machine instead of a search engine. So if you want people to find your content easily on the website, you need to create content that addresses the users’ Search Intent.

That’s where people make mistakes. They miss the Content that addresses the search intent & ultimately struggle to increase blog traffic flow.

The more your content matches a user’s search intent, the higher Google will rank it on the SERPs. The reason is simple; Google wants to deliver the best answers & solutions to its user’s problems.

3. The Title is not click-worthy

Again & again, I am coming up with attractive titles. And the reason is simple. Your Content has just a fraction of a second to grab the readers’ attention. If your title is dull & not click-worthy, you are losing traffic.

  1. “Here is the best guide to help you create an SEO-friendly blog that drives traffic”.
  2. 5 proven Tactics to 10x your blog traffic

Which title would you click, 1st one or 2nd one? I’ll go with the second one. It offers clear information on how & what they will get by opening this particular post.

So make sure your titles are Clickworthy.

4. No proper content structure

A proper content structure is critical to ensure your blogs look attractive & catchy. Each blog post must include three fundamental parts: The Header, the Body & the Footer.

To begin with, you have to:

  1. Create a Catchy Headline
  2. Write an Intro
  3. Dig deep into the topic
  4. Conclude the post
  5. Add a CTA

More people will be attracted to your blogs when you have a proper structure. So do not make the mistake of ignoring your Content Structure.

5. You are writing long paragraphs.

Long paragraphs do not look attractive, period. It can bore the reader & they might want to ditch your post because it looks dull. So it’s better to divide long paragraphs into shorter & crisp ones.

This keeps your readers engaged & they spend more time on your website. This is a positive indication in the eyes of Google bots & they rank such websites higher.

So long story is short, trim your paragraphs. 

6. You have added no quotes.

Blogs are all about sharing the correct information. So when you state some facts, quote material from the source text to support whatever information you share.

Additionally, the quoting can help draw your reader’s attention to a particular fact & make them aware that whatever you are sharing is essential & backed by facts.

If you add no quotes to your blog, your blog’s trustworthiness is questioned. 

7. You have added no videos

No Videos
No Videos

Videos are the most attractive piece of content for grabbing attention. They also make your posts attractive, sparking the interest of the readers. In fact, research suggests that almost 73% of people prefer videos with written content for a better understanding of the topic.

So if you are not adding videos to your website, you better start adding some. Without videos, you might find it challenging to increase blog traffic. Flexclip is a wonderful tool that you can use to create terrific videos for free! I have been using it for the past year, and it keeps getting better with each passing day.

8. You have added no images.

Stunning Graphics are a great way to attract the attention of the reader & keep them engaged. Adding images & optimizing images for Image SEO is very useful in offering a wonderful User Experience, boosts visibility & very helpful improving your Content’s visibility.

So not using High Quality, immersive & well-optimized images can negatively impact your ranking.

9. You have not defined alt tags.

Alt tags are a written description of the image. They offer a detailed context to the crawler bots about the image, helping them index the image efficiently, even if the images struggle to load.

Not adding alt tags to your website’s images can have a devastating impact on your website’s ranking. Many website owners ignore the vitality of alt tags & face devastating consequences.

Don’t join that clan & add descriptive alt tags to your images.

10. Absence of statistical references

Stats are a great way to boost your Content’s authority & credibility. Numbers tend to grab attention quickly as compared to written text. So if you are adding stats to your post, it’s a great thing to do.

But the mistake most creators make is that they don’t offer reference to these statistics. Now imagine this: will people believe anything blindly just because you said it, or will they trust a reliable source?

So, don’t forget to reference the statistics you put into your blog post. Adding a reference to the statistics ensures the reader that whatever they are reading is trustworthy. Also, it’s an excellent external linking strategy.

11. There is no conclusion.

When people read your post, they want to know your final say on the topic. They are reading your post for some sort of opinion. So if you do not offer a conclusion at the end, you are leaving your reader out there to dry.

This leaves a wrong impression in the reader’s mind, negatively impacting your traffic.

So no matter how long or short your post is, including a conclusion helps your readers get a quick glance over the post.

Moreover, Google often uses conclusions in snippets if it finds conclusions that are relevant to the searcher’s query.

So if you are not adding a conclusion in the

12. No interactive section

Reader interaction is the key to boosting your blog’s engagement & increase blog traffic. The more interaction opportunities you offer your readers, your SEO ranking will be better.

And the best way to boost interaction is with Interactive Quizzes or Polls. Polls are quizzes that can boost engagement rates by up to 2x-3x.

So if you are not including any interactive sections in your blogs, it’s time to add some. It can significantly increase blog traffic.

13. No keyword research

Keyword Research
Keyword Research

Keywords are critical to any SEO strategy. Without sufficient keywords added organically to the post, you cannot even dream of ranking higher on SERPs. I am not talking about keyword stuffing, but you need to integrate good keywords into the post organically.

This helps your readers and crawlers to identify your Content & rank it higher.

I often come across many posts that are well-written & informative but need better keywords. Crawlers are unable to identify what the post is all about & they will rank these posts lower.

So do not make this mistake & integrate sufficient keywords organically. For keyword research, I use SEMrush. It’s one of the best keyword research tools available on the market. You can check my review of its Keyword Research Tool.  

For a change, you can also try KWFinder. It’s a great tool that offers the best keyword research at affordable pricing.

14. Too many grammar mistakes

Comman Grammatical errors
Too many grammar mistakes.

Grammatical Mistakes happen all the time. But, they leave a terrible taste in the mouth of the Reader.

You got the point, right? Google is all about offering the best experience to its users. So if your post has too many grammatical errors, it will flag your webpage or even the entire website as irrelevant & useless. This can drastically bring your ranking down.

So, ensure your post is free from too many grammatical errors & offers a wonderful experience to the readers. The more satisfied the user is, the more time they will spend on your post & Google will rank it higher on the SERPs.

The best way to avoid grammar mistakes is to use writing tools. I use the premium version of Grammarly, which is a benchmark for other writing tools. You can read more about Grammarly & its premium version in my detailed Grammarly review.

15. You are not sticking to your niche.

The problem in the current times is that everyone is writing about everything that is in trend. While this can be an excellent strategy to bring some initial traffic, you won’t be able to sustain it for far too long.

People want to read posts from niche experts. If you are writing about something out of your niche, you won’t be able to deliver something meaningful & valuable. This makes your post useless, according to Google bots. So they will de-rank your blog & your traffic will dwindle, even if you spend a lot of time & effort.

So make sure you stick to your niche & offer something valuable to the readers.

16. Write for humans, not for bots.

Write for humans, not for bots.

While optimizing your Content for the search bots is good, you should only go out some guns blazing. Ultimately, it’s the human who will decide whether your blog satisfies their need for information.

So it is vital to keep humans in focus while crafting the Content. In recent official releases, Google has time & again mentioned that Content written for humans will rank better.

So when Google itself is clearly saying it, why go against it? Write your post in a conversational manner & make it more humanized.

17. No pillar pages

Pillar pages are the core of any blog website. Pillar pages offer detailed information on a large topic that will help you increase blog traffic. Here are some examples of Pillar Pages that we created for WittySparks.

These pages significantly bumped up our traffic & still, they keep bringing in more readers.

If you are not creating pillar pages, you are missing out on almost 70% of your traffic. So choose evergreen topics & create evergreen Pillar Pages to increase blog traffic.

18. No cluster pages

Cluster content offers an excellent opportunity to target less competitive keywords with high search volumes. Cluster Pages or cluster content targets a generic topic in the most targeted manner. Each Cluster Page is crafted around a specific pillar page.

Cluster Content can be used to answer specific questions & target semantic keywords related to the pillar page. So if you need to pay more attention to the cluster pages, it’s time to alter the strategy. Start crafting Cluster Pages & bringing in high-quality traffic that converts.

Blog architecture

The blog’s architecture plays a crucial role in bringing more traffic to the website. It has to be simple, well-planned and must have clear navigation. This ensures your readers don’t struggle to find what they are looking for & thus reducing the bounce rate.

The lower bounce rate compels crawl bots to rank your blog higher on Search Engines. Here are some common mistakes that you must avoid when it comes to blog architecture.

Your blog has a Complex Navigation Structure.

Users hate complexity. They want everything available to them, most conveniently. So your website’s navigation should be straightforward & easily accessible.

Sometimes, website owners spoil the navigation structure while trying to make their blog look more creative. But this can be hazardous to your web traffic. So make sure your website’s structure is easy & straightforward.

Your Content is not categorized properly.

Systematic categorization of the Content on your blog offers a wonderful experience to your visitor. It helps them explore content related to their interests & spend more time on their blog.

If your Content is not categorized correctly, your visitors will get bored & leave your website. This will impact your ranking & ultimately, increase blog traffic. The reason is that Google’s algorithm considers the bounce rate as a ranking factor.

If Content is the soul of your blog, Links are its heart! It would help if you had a robust Link-building strategy to increase blog traffic organically.

Utilizing external & internal links is vital in driving quality traffic to your blog, especially the external links. To tackle link-related issues, I generally use This tool is extremely helpful in keeping an eye on all your links. Don’t forget to check out my detailed review after you are done here.

Here are some common link-building mistakes that can significantly impact your website’s traffic.

No Internal Links

Internal links are the links in your blog that take the visitor to other posts within the same website. This offers your visitor more relevant information on a particular topic & keeps them engaged.

A higher number of internal links directly impacts your SEO score positively. So when a visitor visits your website, they will keep hopping from one page to another, spending more time on your website. It’s like weaving a web of internally linked content.

Additionally, internal linking establishes a hierarchy that allows you to showcase more popular pages to visitors.

If you do not have internal links, it dents your website’s reputation & impacts your SEO score, resulting in lower traffic.

No external links

Having no external links on your website is one of the biggest mistakes you can make while creating a blog post.

External Links are vital to boost your website’s authority, which is an essential ranking factor and helps to increase blog traffic. The higher authority your website commands, the more people will want to visit it, driving your traffic numbers higher.

When you add reliable links to your website’s content, it bumps your website’s reputation.

Also, external links offer more & reliable information to your reader, enhancing their experience. A satisfied visitor tends to return to your website more & more, giving your website traffic a boost.

No breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs and SEO
Breadcrumbs and SEO

Breadcrumbs are a must-have element on your blog. Breadcrumbs are an important navigational aid for your visitors. These breadcrumbs are like trails that help visitors understand their position on the website.

So if they are on the wrong page, they can easily find their way back to the main content page they are looking for. Breadcrumbs reduce the bounce rate on your website by offering a great reader experience.

If you do not have breadcrumbs on your blog, you are risking a poor SEO score & lower traffic.

Website page speed issues

You have just a fraction of a second to grab your visitor’s attention. If your website fails to load quickly, your visitor will bounce off. So it’s critical to address your page-speed issue. Here are some common Page speed issues that can result in a traffic drop.

Poor User Experience (UX)

poor user
Poor User Experience (UX)

When a visitor opens your website & it takes ages to load, this leaves a bad taste. Visitors often tend to ditch sluggish websites & bounce off. So if your website loads too slowly, your bounce rate will be high.

The higher bounce rate is a red flag in the eye of crawler bots, resulting in poor SEO scores. To avoid this, ensure your website loads quickly & offers a better User Experience.

Bad design

A bad design is one that’s not optimized for speed. Bad design affects your website’s load speed, which frustrates customers.

Tell me, when was the last time you waited 15 seconds for a website to load? I guess never! When you can’t wait for a website to load much longer, you cannot expect your visitors to do the same.

So make sure your website design is optimized for page speed.

Not accessible

Keeping your website simple is the key to increasing blog traffic. While designing your website, ensure each piece of content on your website is easily accessible to the reader.

Time and again, bloggers pay more attention to the looks of their blog & in turn, make their design more complex.

While the design is essential, accessibility is more important. So make sure the website is easily accessible.

Publishing frequency/consistency

No matter what business you are in, consistency is the key to success. The more consistency you have, the more traffic you will drive; it’s that simple. The same goes for your blog. As you keep adding posts daily, crawl bots will keep visiting your website for indexing & they will find more Content each time they visit.

This will make your website more popular among the crawl bot every time a new query pops up. So posting consistently improves your SEO score & ultimately, increases blog traffic. Many bloggers might find it difficult to churn out a post daily.

But you don’t have to. You can create multiple posts in advance & schedule them for posting later. Here are a few tools to help you with the task (a cluster of content on scheduling tools).

In a nutshell, ignoring consistent posting is one of the biggest mistakes you can make while managing your blog. So don’t! 

No social media presence

You have written a fantastic post and have followed all the instructions mentioned above, but it’s possible you might still not get enough traffic.


Maybe you are not utilizing the power of Social Media!

Research suggests that, on average, each internet user spends almost 2 hours & 29 minutes on Social Media. So showcasing your blogs on these Social Media channels is the best way to make your blog more popular.

Without Social Media, you will get visitors who are looking for the information you have to offer. But with Social Media, you can drive visitors who are just scrolling down on Social Media & come across your post.

So, ignoring Social Media is a big “NO, NO”!

  • Pinterest

Pinterest is probably the most underrated Social Media platform. And that’s what makes it your best option when it comes to marketing your blogs.

If your blog is about Interior designing, Fitness, DIY, Finance, Tech, Parenthood, or Relationships, Pinterest is an excellent option for you.

  • Twitter

Many bloggers feel that creating quality blogs is enough, but it’s not. You have to make sure that your readers hear from you regularly & Twitter is a great way to do so. Twitter is also a great option to increase blog traffic.

You can take multiple steps to drive more traffic via Twitter. For e.g. adding a “Click to tweet” button, posting your blog links multiple times, restructuring your blog in the form of video or images, mentioning people mentioned in your blogs, and tweeting a “thank you” to anyone who retweets your link. These simple steps can help increase blog traffic.

  • LinkedIn

The best traffic to your blogs is organic traffic, & to do so, your posts must reach a lot of people. With more than 20% reach, LinkedIn tops all the Social Media channels in terms of reach.

Moreover, it’s purely a professional platform. So you will drive meaningful traffic to your blog using LinkedIn. By creating data-driven, long-form, & step-by-step posts about your blog, you can significantly increase blog traffic.

Joining a targeted group, creating your group, building more meaningful connections & posting consistently can help you generate a lot of organic traffic.

So make sure you add LinkedIn to your Social Media channel list for marketing your blog!

  • Facebook

All hands down, Facebook is the biggest Social Media Platform, with 2.11 billion-strong active users! So it makes no sense to use it to market your blog. Create a page, add a “share on Facebook” button to your blog, and create one Facebook post for each blog & you are good to go!

Connecting with influencers on specific platforms

The days when businesses utilized their big budgets to market their products & services are long gone. People have stopped believing what brands want them to believe. Instead, they trust people who are just like them but niche experts, available on various Social Media platforms.

These niche experts, commonly known as “influencers,” have an excellent hold over their followers. People trust & believe them. People love to be addressed directly instead of being treated generically. So collaborating with influencers in your niche can be a great option if you want to increase blog traffic.

But for this, you need to find the right influencer. Here is a quick 5-step guide to finding & utilizing the perfect influencer to boost your blog traffic.

  1. Define your niche & set the number of influencers you want
  2. Identify the influencers that can make a real impact on your blog traffic
  3. Utilize Social Media to connect with the influencers
  4. Participate in the Content creation process with the selected influencers
  5. Make sure your influencer is offering an honest review of your blog
  6. Track the insights keenly

Collaborating with Influencers can be a game changer for specific blogs like fashion, fitness, gadgets, health & a lot more.

So don’t hold back; go with the flow & utilize Influencer Marketing.

No call to Action (CTA)

Call to Action
No call to Action (CTA)

A common mistake many bloggers make is not including the “Call to Action” button in their blogs. This is the biggest mistake you can make as a blogger. Your blog must have something that encourages them to engage with you in some way.

A call to action is the perfect way to do so. Here are some primary benefits of using a Call to Action for your blogs.

  1. It helps you bring more traffic from your blog to your primary website.
  2. It helps users access more content on your blog & boosts your page views
  3. You can avail more subscribers, resulting in better reach & more traffic

The best-performing CTAs are the ones that are simple, attractive & give the reader a clear idea of what you want them to do. Create big buttons with crisp messages & attractive font to get even more action.

Bloggers often leave their blogs without any suitable call to action. So even if the reader likes your blog, they don’t have any option to take some action. This drastically reduces further engagement & results in lower traffic on your blog.

So make sure you do not forget that CTAs will craft blogs.

Sitemap update issues

Site map
Sitemap update issues

A sitemap offers easy access to Google crawlers so they can index your web pages easily. Although a sitemap does not impact your SEO & traffic directly, it does play an important role.

Sitemaps make your web pages & the Content on them more discoverable. The more efficiently crawlers can index your website, the better they will rank it. A better ranking on the SERPs will increase blog traffic.

If you do not update your sitemaps as & when you change your blog’s structure, it becomes difficult for crawlers to find your Content.

So at first glance, sitemaps might not seem like an important factor that drives traffic to your blog, but doing an in-depth analysis makes it clear that you can gain more traffic by updating your sitemaps regularly.

Ignoring Web stories

Web stories are one of the most underrated marketing tools that a few marketers & bloggers use. But given the less competition & terrific results, you cannot afford to ignore web stories.

Web stories offer an intuitive & attractive overview of your blog, compelling readers to engage more with it. Web stories drive a lot of traffic as compared to other marketing tools available.

All you have to do is craft some really scroll-stopping visual content with crisp but clear written content. The more slides & attractive content you add to the web stories, the more your traffic will grow.

Not updating the old content.

Writing an evergreen piece of Content is not an easy task. Bloggers spend a lot of time on it & craft some excellent reads. Such evergreen contents have the potential to drive significant traffic, even after a long time of publishing. That’s a beautiful thing about Content Marketing.

But the problem here is that some information has to be updated regularly. For e.g. some stats have to be updated over a period of time, or some new & relevant information pops up. If you do not update such information, you risk your blog’s “Trustworthiness.”

Your old Content that is performing phenomenally is your gold mine! So all you have to do is maintain them by optimizing their content. Your readers will lose faith in your Content & this will drastically reduce your traffic.

Don’t make the mistake that 70% of bloggers make.

Promote using paid advertising

Organic traffic is great; there is no doubt about it. But it’s not going to deliver the quickest results. You must invest in paid ads to promote your content up to a certain level.

The best part of paid advertising is you can display your Content in front of people who are genuinely looking for your Content. This significantly boosts your chances of driving more traffic.

There are multiple platforms that you can use for paid advertising. For e.g. you can use Google ads, LinkedIn ads, Facebook ads & Twitter ads to promote your content. I personally prefer LinkedIn & Twitter to promote my content pieces, as they offer better traffic at comparatively lower pricing.

So don’t make the mistake of relying on just the organic traffic. Invest in paid advertising wisely & you can drive a lot of traffic to your blog.


Ignoring the Newsletter can be your biggest mistake with your blog. A newsletter offers you the best opportunity to promote your Content in front of the people who are interested in your Content.

So the more they know about your new posts, the higher the chance they will visit your blog. So with every blog post, create a newsletter & send it to your mailing list. I use Mailerlite to send newsletters to my mailing list automatically. You can check out the detailed Mailerlite review.

Push Notifications

Push Notifications are small promotional messages visible on the user’s screen. They are used for promoting new posts & updating customers about new posts.

Push notifications are one of the most ignored marketing tactics, especially by bloggers. These bloggers need to understand that Push notifications can significantly boost their traffic.

Push Notifications are a non-intrusive, simple & most effective way to boost traffic. These notifications can significantly boost your traffic.

I personally use HelloBar for creating & sending Push Notifications. This is a wonderful tool that helps you manage your push notification effectively. Here is a quick review of HelloBar, which I created a short while ago. Please take a look; I am sure you will be impressed with what HelloBar offers.

Closing Remarks

Well, this was a long walk! As you might have observed, almost every mistake mentioned here is very common & we often tend to ignore it. Bloggers make the most common mistakes that impact their traffic significantly.

That’s the reason why a lot of bloggers need help to make an impact with their blogs. I personally have made a lot of the mistakes mentioned above. And I have learned the lesson the hard way.

That’s why I prepared the list of such common blogging mistakes to ensure no beginners struggle as I did in the past. I hope this guide will act as a beacon for a lot of bloggers like you & set them on the right path to creating a successful blog.

I regularly come up with helpful posts for various topics on my website. So stay tuned & subscribe to my mailing list.

Meanwhile, keep exploring & keep gaining knowledge!


Is it mandatory to include a CTA (Call to Action Button) in the blog?

Yes, it’s critical! The Call to Action button directs the readers to what they should do next.

Does updating old content help boost traffic?

Yes, updating old Content can boost your blog’s traffic as it offers the latest information to the readers.

What Social Media platform helps generate maximum traffic on Social Media platforms?

It depends on your niche. E.g., if your niche is fashion u0026amp; fitness, Instagram can be a good choice; for tech blogs, Facebook u0026amp; Twitter offer better reach. So it would help if you decided on your niche first.

How quickly should my website load to increase blog traffic?

There needs to be a benchmark for how quickly your website should load. Otherwise, it can drastically reduce your SEO score, resulting in poor traffic. But it must not exceed 2 seconds in any case.

Are alt tags important?

Very! Alt texts are very important for SEO. They help crawlers understand the image, boosting your image SEO. So make sure every image on your blog has alt text.

What should be the ideal keyword density?

The ideal keyword density is around 1-2%. Although there is no thumb rule for this, these numbers are suggested by SEO experts with years of experience. Also, make sure you avoid keyword stuffing.

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